Exploring Django Fundamentals | Part 2 | June 23

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Learning Django Basics | Part -2 | June-23

Learning Django Basics | Part -2

Welcome to Part -2 of our series on Learning Django Basics. In this article, we will continue our exploration of Django and its key concepts.


In Django, models are used to define the structure of the database tables. Models are defined using Python classes that inherit from the Django “models.Model” class. Each class represents a table in the database and each attribute represents a field in that table. Django automatically creates the necessary database tables based on the model definitions.


Views are responsible for processing user requests and returning responses. Views are typically implemented as functions or methods that accept HTTP requests and return HTTP responses. In Django, views are defined in views.py files within each app. Views can perform various tasks such as fetching data from the database, rendering templates, and handling form submissions.


Templates are used to generate HTML output based on data provided by the views. Templates are typically written using Django’s template language, which allows for the dynamic insertion of variables and control structures. Templates are stored in the “templates” directory within each app and are rendered using Django’s template engine.


URLs in Django are used to map incoming HTTP requests to the appropriate views. URLs are defined using regular expressions in the urls.py files within each app. Django uses a URL dispatcher to match incoming URLs to the corresponding views and execute the associated code.


By understanding the key concepts of models, views, templates, and URLs in Django, you will be well on your way to developing successful web applications. Stay tuned for more articles in our series on Learning Django Basics!