
Exploring Love Stories: Using Storybook and Playwright to Test Angular Components with Tally Barak at angularday 22

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Love Story – Testing angular components with Storybook and Playwright | Tally Barak | angularday 22

Love Story – Testing angular components with Storybook and Playwright

By Tally Barak | angularday 22

Testing is a crucial part of the software development process, and when it comes to testing Angular components, there are a variety of tools and frameworks available to help developers ensure the quality and reliability of their code. In this article, we will explore the use of Storybook and Playwright for testing Angular components.

What is Storybook?

Storybook is an open-source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, and Angular. It allows developers to create and document UI components independently of the rest of the application, making it easier to develop, test, and showcase individual components without needing to navigate the entire application. Storybook also provides a platform for testing and debugging components, making it an ideal tool for Angular component testing.

What is Playwright?

Playwright is a JavaScript library for automating browsers. It allows developers to write end-to-end tests for web applications, including Angular applications, to ensure that they function as expected in real-world scenarios. Playwright provides a powerful and flexible API for interacting with web pages, making it an excellent choice for testing Angular components in a variety of browsers and environments.

Using Storybook and Playwright for Angular Component Testing

When it comes to testing Angular components, Storybook and Playwright can be used in tandem to create a robust and comprehensive testing strategy. With Storybook, developers can create stories for individual components, showcasing different states and variations of the component in a visually-oriented interface. Playwright can then be used to automate the interaction with these components, performing end-to-end tests to verify their behavior and functionality.

By combining the powerful isolation and documentation features of Storybook with the automated testing capabilities of Playwright, developers can ensure that their Angular components are thoroughly tested and validated, leading to higher-quality and more reliable applications.


Storybook and Playwright are valuable tools for testing Angular components, providing developers with the means to develop, document, and test UI components with ease and confidence. By utilizing these tools in combination, developers can create a comprehensive testing strategy that ensures the quality and reliability of their Angular applications.

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Samiullah Khan
7 months ago

Having two different tools to build, render, and test looks too much for me. For now we have it is okay. May be if angular adopts vite and may be if playright, cypress supports angular than it will be easy.
Storybook their own testing solution is not match to cypress and playright. It is useless to create test there. They need to interop with others.