
Exploring Next.js 13, Tailwind CSS, and MySQL App through Code Walkthrough

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Code Walkthrough for Next.js 13 / Tailwind CSS / MySQL App

Code Walkthrough for Next.js 13 / Tailwind CSS / MySQL App

In this article, we will take a closer look at the code for a web application built using Next.js 13, Tailwind CSS, and MySQL. We will provide an overview of the key components and discuss the code structure and organization.


The first step in building a Next.js 13 / Tailwind CSS / MySQL app is to set up the development environment. This typically involves installing the required dependencies using npm or yarn, and configuring the project to work with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and MySQL. The setup process also includes creating the necessary configuration files and setting up the project structure.

Folder Structure

Next.js 13 applications typically have a folder structure that includes a “pages” directory for defining the app’s routes, a “components” directory for reusable UI components, and a “styles” directory for managing stylesheets. The MySQL database connection and queries are often handled in a separate “services” directory, while the Tailwind CSS configuration and utilities may be stored in a “utils” directory.


The “pages” directory is where the app’s routes are defined using Next.js’s file-based routing system. Each file in this directory represents a page in the application, and the file’s name corresponds to the route path. Each page file typically includes JSX code to define the page’s UI, as well as any necessary logic for fetching and displaying data.


Reusable UI components, such as buttons, forms, and cards, are often placed in the “components” directory. These components can be used across multiple pages in the application, providing a consistent look and feel. Components may include JSX code for the component’s UI, as well as any associated styles and logic.


Next.js 13 with Tailwind CSS uses a utility-first approach to styling, where classes are used to apply styles to elements. The “styles” directory may contain a Tailwind CSS configuration file, as well as custom stylesheets for overriding default styles or defining new styles. Tailwind CSS utilities can be used directly in JSX code to apply styles to elements.


The “services” directory is where the code for interacting with the MySQL database is typically stored. This may include files for establishing a database connection, defining database models, and implementing data access logic. SQL queries are often abstracted into functions or classes to make them easier to reuse and maintain.


The “utils” directory may contain utility functions and configuration files that are used throughout the application. This may include helper functions for common tasks, such as formatting dates or generating random strings, as well as configuration files for managing environment variables or third-party API keys.


Building a Next.js 13 / Tailwind CSS / MySQL app involves setting up the development environment, organizing the code into a folder structure, and implementing the necessary components and logic. By following best practices and conventions, developers can create a maintainable and scalable web application.

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Frog Nation
10 months ago

are you insane bro! geniussssssss

World Peace
10 months ago

This is really really complex if you take a step back and realize it's just a simple blog.

10 months ago

Just came from the future to tell you the twitter api is not cheap

10 months ago

nice , thanks

10 months ago

the metatag in your layout.tsx like the description, etc. doesn't match what google shows when i search seo is that a bug?

Jan Hecker
10 months ago

Great video! Thanks a lot 🙂

Tech world
10 months ago


10 months ago

can you please do a video on how to work with MongoDB (connect, create collection, get data from db) in new nextjs 13.2?

Misbah Samio
10 months ago

Hey, I really want to clone this and host this on github pages. Can you please tell me how to do that?


Lukacs Papp
10 months ago

Great video. Just a question what is this error 'Extra attributes from the server: data-new-gr-c-s-check-loaded,data-gr-ext-installed'

Andrii Sukhariev
10 months ago

Blog , portfolio its all very cool. But can you share some really expensive juice? Like gcloud storage … planetscale Real setup… some enerprise-ish setup … you the boss! Come on man! Show us complicated use cases! 😅

Caleb Lawrence
10 months ago

Your videos are awesome. Keep it up.

Beau Hawkinson
10 months ago

Thanks Lee! Would love to see more about planetScale and how you set up the guestbook database.

FullStack Mastery
10 months ago

This is amazing Lee. Thanks for the code walkthrough.
I never understood the use of app folder, but now it's clear.

Tega Creatives
10 months ago

Does next.js work well with gsap?

George Krachtopoulos
10 months ago

Chakra UI vs Tailwind?

Yiannis Christodoulou
10 months ago

Amazing video. Thank you so much, Lee! 🙏 💪 🚀

David Kupyn
10 months ago

can this generateMetadata be used for i18n metadata and is there any docs on this because i cant get {params} working, they are undefined

Jahidul Islam
10 months ago

Lee, I have got a question. Would it be a good idea to move to the 'app' directory now? (based on the previous version of your repo)

Thriving Creator
10 months ago

Question: Around 13:50 you talk about the `metadata` object that is exported from `layout.tsx`. Is there any documentation on using that (new) approach? And in what version is it supported? I know you said it's working in the current Canary version, but I'm using Next.js v13.1.6 (not Canary) and I just tried it (including the `template` property in the `title`) and it seems to work in my version as well.

I noticed that the v13 Beta docs for the `head.js` state at the bottom of the page: "Note: We'll have an improved API for this in the future." Is what you're showing for the `metadata` the "improved API" that is being hinted at there in the docs?
Thanks, and great video! 🚀