Exploring Node.js and Fastify with Matteo Collina on Platformatic

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Matteo Collina – Node.js, Fastify, Platformatic

The Expertise of Matteo Collina in Node.js, Fastify, and Platformatic

Matteo Collina is a prominent figure in the world of Node.js, Fastify and Platformatic. He is a core collaborator for Node.js, and has extensive experience in building scalable applications using Fastify. Collina is also the co-founder of Platformatic, which is a company that provides a platform for rapidly building and deploying static sites.

Contributions to Node.js

Collina has been a key contributor to the Node.js ecosystem, and is known for his work in areas such as streams, JavaScript language features, diagnostics, and the HTTP2 implementation. He has also authored several modules for Node.js, and is a frequent speaker at conferences and events on the subject of Node.js development.

Expertise in Fastify

Fastify is a web framework built for speed, and Matteo Collina is an expert in using it to build high-performance web applications. Collina’s deep understanding of Fastify’s internals and best practices has made him a sought-after consultant and trainer in the Fastify community.

Co-founder of Platformatic

Collina co-founded Platformatic to address the need for a streamlined process of building and deploying static sites. The platform provides tools for managing the entire lifecycle of a website, from development to deployment, and has become popular among developers and businesses looking for an efficient way to create static sites.


Matteo Collina’s expertise in Node.js, Fastify, and Platformatic has had a significant impact on the developer community. His contributions to the Node.js ecosystem, his knowledge of Fastify, and his role in co-founding Platformatic have made him a respected and influential figure in the world of web development.

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6 months ago

What a great episode. Interesting guest and topic.