Exploring RNN and LSTM Cells in PyTorch: LLM Chronicles #4.2 (Lab)

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LLM Chronicles #4.2: RNN and LSTM Cells in PyTorch (Lab)

LLM Chronicles #4.2: RNN and LSTM Cells in PyTorch (Lab)

In this lab session of the LLM Chronicles, we dive deep into the world of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) cells in PyTorch. These advanced neural network architectures are used extensively in natural language processing tasks, time series forecasting, and many other sequential data applications.

RNN Cells

RNN cells are a type of neural network cell that has feedback connections. This allows them to capture temporal dependencies in sequential data. In this lab, we will learn how to create and train RNN cells using PyTorch.

LSTM Cells

LSTM cells are a type of RNN cell that has additional gating mechanisms to control the flow of information. This allows LSTM cells to better capture long-term dependencies in sequential data. In this lab, we will explore the architecture of LSTM cells and learn how to use them in PyTorch.

Lab Exercises

During the lab session, we will work on several exercises to get hands-on experience with RNN and LSTM cells in PyTorch. We will build and train models on sample datasets to understand the capabilities of these powerful neural network architectures.


By the end of this lab session, you will have a solid understanding of RNN and LSTM cells in PyTorch and how to use them in your own neural network projects. These powerful tools will open up new possibilities for solving complex sequential data problems.

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1 month ago

Unsure if nn.LSTM changed recently?

The sample code wasn't working using input_seq, I had to use input_batch because it was expecting 3 dimensions for input but got two.

You use the input batch for running the RNN so unsure of the change here.

I did notice you have different grad functions for your LSTM running with input_seq. You have Squeeze Backward, Squeeze Backward, Squeeze Backward. I have Transpose Backward, Stack Backward, Stack Backward. Possibly the function automatically squeezed data? Now maybe that is optional? Unsure

1 month ago

This series is epic. Going through them one by one while on a break.
One typo I see in the LSTM diagram, the sigmoid and the tanh labels in the key are swapped, I think.

1 month ago

hi, i just want to say how much I appreciate these videos! they are a hidden gem and very well-made and easy to follow. please keep making them :))