
Exploring Signals, Effects, and Observable and Computed Properties in Angular 16 with the Untacked Method

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Signals, Effects, Observable and computed properties in Angular 16

Understanding Signals, Effects, Observable and computed properties in Angular 16

Angular 16 introduces several new concepts for managing state in applications, including signals, effects, observables, and computed properties. These new features can help developers build more robust and scalable applications.


Signals in Angular 16 are used to represent state changes. They are essentially a stream of data that can be observed and reacted to. Signals are often used to represent user interactions, server responses, or other asynchronous events.


Effects are used to manage side effects in an application. They are commonly used to handle asynchronous logic, such as making HTTP requests, and can be triggered by signals. Effects help to keep side effects separate from the main application logic, leading to more predictable and maintainable code.

Observable and Computed Properties

Observable and computed properties are used to represent derived state in an application. Observables are used to observe changes to a value over time, while computed properties are used to calculate a value based on other properties. These features can help to simplify state management and reduce the complexity of application logic.

Untacked Method

Angular 16 also introduces a new feature called untacked method, which allows developers to define methods that are not tied to any specific object or class. This can be useful for creating reusable logic that can be shared across different parts of an application.

Overall, these new features in Angular 16 provide developers with powerful tools for managing state in their applications. By using signals, effects, observables, and computed properties, developers can build more robust and maintainable applications that are easier to reason about and debug.

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Akhmad Fauzan
7 months ago

Hi sai,
please create more videos about angular 16, your tutorial is really helpfull when I just trying to learn angular.

ilyass asri
7 months ago

amazing tuto, thank you