
Exploring the Benefits of Modular Web Design with Sam Bhagwat and Nikan Shahidi

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Modular Web Design with Sam Bhagwat and Nikan Shahidi

When it comes to creating a successful web design, the key is to build a modular and scalable system that can adapt and grow with the needs of the business. This is where the expertise of Sam Bhagwat and Nikan Shahidi comes into play. These two industry leaders have been instrumental in revolutionizing the way web design is approached, and their methods have proven to be incredibly effective.

The Basics of Modular Web Design

Modular web design involves breaking down a website into smaller, reusable components, or modules, that can be easily rearranged and combined to create different page layouts. These modules can include things like headers, footers, sidebars, and content blocks. By using a modular approach, web designers can create a more flexible and adaptable system that is easier to maintain and update.

Collaboration and Creativity

Sam Bhagwat and Nikan Shahidi have been able to achieve great success by working closely with their clients to understand their needs and goals. By taking a collaborative approach, they are able to create modular web designs that are not only visually stunning but also highly functional. Their creativity and attention to detail have set them apart in the industry, and their work is highly regarded by their peers and clients alike.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

One of the key advantages of modular web design is its scalability. As a business grows and evolves, its website needs to be able to accommodate these changes. With a modular approach, it is much easier to add new features, update content, or even completely redesign the site without having to start from scratch. This future-proofing is invaluable in a fast-paced, ever-changing digital landscape.


Sam Bhagwat and Nikan Shahidi have certainly made their mark on the world of web design with their innovative and effective approach to modular design. Their collaborative and creative process, combined with their emphasis on scalability and future-proofing, sets them apart as industry leaders. Businesses looking to create a website that is not only visually stunning but also highly functional and adaptable would do well to seek out their expertise.

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John-william Lotriet
7 months ago

Great video, there was mention of the webstacks repo for the component library, is that available?