
Exploring the Latest Updates in the React Ecosystem: React Conf 2024 Highlights

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React Conf 2024 Recap

What’s new in the world of React? | React Conf 2024 Recap

React Conf 2024 just wrapped up, and it was filled with exciting announcements and updates on the popular JavaScript library. Here’s a recap of some of the most important highlights from the event:

New Features

One of the biggest announcements at React Conf 2024 was the introduction of a new feature called React Hooks. Hooks are a new way to use state and other React features without writing a class. This simplifies the code and makes it easier to understand and maintain. Developers can now use hooks like useState and useEffect to manage state and side effects in functional components.

Improved Performance

React 18 was also announced at the conference, with a focus on improving performance and enhancing the developer experience. The new version includes features like automatic batching of updates, concurrent rendering, and suspense for data fetching. These improvements will make React apps faster and more responsive, especially for complex applications.

Tooling Updates

React developers will also benefit from updates to the tooling ecosystem. The new React DevTools extension provides enhanced debugging capabilities, including improved support for concurrent mode and hooks. Additionally, tools like Create React App have been updated to support the latest features and best practices.

Community Engagement

React Conf 2024 highlighted the importance of community engagement and collaboration. The React team encouraged developers to contribute to the open-source project, participate in forums and events, and share their knowledge with others. By working together, the React community can continue to innovate and grow.


React Conf 2024 was a success, showcasing the latest advancements in the world of React. With new features like React Hooks, improved performance in React 18, updates to tooling, and a focus on community engagement, developers have plenty to be excited about. The future of React looks bright, and we can’t wait to see what the community builds next!

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3 months ago

00:00 Hello!
00:31 React 19 RC
01:45 React Compiler Released
03:23 React Compiler is more than just auto memo
04:58 What's new in React 19
05:29 Remix and React Router are Merging
07:11 React Party Kit
08:57 Will React get Signals?
12:38 React Native + React Server Components
15:00 React Conf Day 2
15:10 React Native New Architecture in Beta
15:59 React Native Frameworks
17:36 Continuous Native Generation (CNG)
18:31 Pigment CSS
20:04 React Native for Apple Vision Pro
20:59 React Strict DOM
23:16 React Conf 2024 Trends and Takeaways
24:18 Write Once Run Anywhere
25:20 Sentry Runs Everywhere
26:48 Thanks!

3 months ago

CJ you’re awesome, your videos are the best 👍

3 months ago

thnx CJ

3 months ago

I'm excited about CJ😊

3 months ago

Signals are too complicated?! People hate React because of how leaky and convoluted the abstractions are… now they want to say people can't manage their own state or reactivity with signals… because they would rather build more leaky abstractions instead. When will React team learn their lesson 😂

3 months ago

Always love for CJ – ♥

3 months ago

This format is great, monthly round up format? 🤔

3 months ago

I feel like React is going to be a cult

3 months ago

When they mention that their approach is what made React approachable (in the Signals section), I think they are overlooking that the only approachable thing about React is JSX, all the rest is a weird mental model

3 months ago

Great video

3 months ago

Wanted to come but was too busy building my own JavaScript framework

3 months ago

cj this is some good content

3 months ago

Thanks for summarizing! 👍🏻