Exploring the trackBy function in Angular: A Quick Overview #angular #shorts #interviewprep

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What is trackBy function in Angular?

The trackBy function in Angular is used to help Angular track changes in lists and optimize rendering performance.

When you have a list of items in Angular, whether it’s displayed in a ngFor loop or passed to a component, Angular needs a way to identify each item in the list. By default, Angular uses the index of the item in the list to track changes. However, this can lead to performance issues when items are added, removed, or reordered in the list.

By using the trackBy function, you can provide a unique identifier for each item in the list. This can be a property of the item, such as an ID, or a function that returns a unique identifier based on the item’s values. Angular will then use this identifier to track changes in the list, resulting in faster and more efficient rendering.

Here’s an example of how to use the trackBy function in Angular:

  • {{ item.name }}
... trackById(index: number, item: any): number { return item.id; }

In this example, the trackById function returns the ID of each item in the list, which is used by Angular to track changes. This can be especially useful when working with large lists of items or when items have complex data structures.

By using the trackBy function in Angular, you can improve the performance of your application and ensure that changes to lists are efficiently rendered.

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