
Facebook has developed a new language specifically for React, and it’s pretty impressive

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Facebook’s new React language

Facebook wrote a language just for React (it’s pretty cool)

Facebook recently introduced a new programming language specifically designed for their popular front-end library, React. The language, called “React JSX”, aims to enhance the development experience for React developers by providing a more streamlined and efficient way to write code.

One of the key features of React JSX is its ability to easily render HTML-like code within JavaScript. This means that developers can write their UI components in a way that closely resembles HTML, making it easier to visualize and understand the structure of their code.

Another benefit of React JSX is its support for embedding JavaScript expressions directly within the markup. This makes it easier for developers to dynamically generate content and handle logic within their components, without having to switch back and forth between different file types.

Overall, React JSX offers a more intuitive and concise way to write React components, leading to faster development times and cleaner code. Plus, Facebook has made it easy for developers to get started with React JSX by providing detailed documentation and tutorials on their official website.

If you’re a React developer looking to streamline your workflow and improve your code quality, be sure to check out Facebook’s new language, React JSX. It’s pretty cool!

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2 months ago

Given that the whole JS ecosystem is transpilers, you can create a new language variant that has this and transpiles to standard TS.

2 months ago

funny thing is that the recommended way of starting with react is by using a framework built on top of it like nextjs, yet there's not a word about flow in next's docs

2 months ago

i could see like an swc plugin or an esbuild plugin to do this

2 months ago

honestly that props thing is kinda wierd. In normal fns params are positional, but here they are not.
Would have preferred to keep the curly braces to keep those semantics

2 months ago

Yet another devchan not using dark… How do you guys even see?

2 months ago

What about instead fixing React to not have those restrictions in the first place? Then you'd not need any language features to enforce them.

2 months ago

Ngl, I hate this. Adding more and more layers of abstraction and compile steps is getting ridiculous at this point. If it's so difficult to write react that you need to write a whole new language to deal with it better maybe react isn't a good abstraction in the first place.

2 months ago


2 months ago

For the love of all that is holy can we please please please use dark mode for reading web pages like this… you light mode users are destroying the eyes of so many of us night dwellers..

2 months ago

Can you just use @hook and @component in TS if that's what you want?

2 months ago

React is all about hype every quarter. We should name react as Hype Framework

2 months ago

Facebooks trash

2 months ago

One can do crazy (read nonsense) stuff when unlimited resources are available.

2 months ago

sooo… basically, flow is a DSL-ish on top of JS for React? just like Vala is built on top of GObject

2 months ago

What about stuff that's not props, like forwardRef? How would you pass that in?

2 months ago

Has anyone tried Flow and Rescript in recent months and can you compare?

2 months ago

Um, why are you looking to the side and not at the camera? Lol

2 months ago

React should embrace own files like .vue, .svelte at this point

2 months ago

I don’t want typescript to bang on react features… typescript isn’t about react, but javascript. React already influences the js world enough so devs dunk on classes, mutable data structures and so on

2 months ago

9:20 it is very common when building stuff like a ui kit for example