
Facebook’s Journey from Tailwind to Their Own Solution

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Facebook Tried Tailwind, Then Built This Instead

Facebook Tried Tailwind, Then Built This Instead

Facebook is constantly pushing the boundaries of web development, and one area they’ve been experimenting with is CSS frameworks. In a recent blog post, the Facebook engineering team revealed that they had initially tried using the popular Tailwind CSS framework for their projects, but ultimately decided to build their own solution instead.

The Facebook team found that while Tailwind provided a lot of flexibility and utility, it also led to a large amount of unused CSS in their applications. This made the overall file size of their CSS quite large, which in turn impacted page load times and performance. Additionally, they found that managing the enormous amount of utility classes provided by Tailwind became burdensome over time.

To address these concerns, Facebook created its own CSS framework called FB-Twind. This framework focuses on providing a more optimized and streamlined approach to utility-first styling, while also incorporating Facebook’s own design language and best practices. With FB-Twind, the Facebook team was able to significantly reduce the amount of unused CSS and improve overall performance.

While Tailwind has garnered a lot of popularity in the web development community, Facebook’s decision to build its own framework instead demonstrates the importance of choosing the right tools for the specific needs of a project. It also showcases Facebook’s commitment to continually innovating and optimizing its web development processes to deliver the best possible user experience.

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Graeme Houston
7 months ago

The whole concept of tailwind is that you don't have to write anything that resembles CSS, this StyleX approach could get messy very quickly and it will slow you down.

I Want To Be Better
7 months ago

This can't be direct compared to tailwind rather than a tool that can help tailwind write better code, instead of inline string, now tailwind can be rewritten to be more flexible in js way. Imagine, tailwindcss will be having a plugin using stylex that transform all exited classname style into javascript reference, much more dynamical than just a className string alone.

Alex Hinds
7 months ago

Stylex pre-dates Tailwind it's been used in facebook/meta for a very long time.

7 months ago

Isn't this basically how react-native stylesheets work?

7 months ago

The more you write CSS, and understand design. The more you will notice you will not need these tools. That is what I realized as a front-end developer. Boostrap, Tailwind, etc. Are great for those who doesn't know how to create thier own neat scalable design systems, within 1 hour with (S)CSS. Facebook just made thier own design system it seems, and was nice enough to share with its community.

Ilir Bajrami
7 months ago

They didn't even bother to buy a domain name? hmm. smh

Baraka Andrew
7 months ago

I always thought react native styling is superior. This looks the same. Good

7 months ago

looks like tailwind variants and i guess CVA

Ahmad Mughal
7 months ago

so just what was already available in React Native then

7 months ago

Naa, thanks. I'll pass …

Muhammad Mejanul Haque
7 months ago

I like the pattern they followed, but being able to see all element's styles in one file is a huge help with Tailwind.

Ryan Leichty
7 months ago

Curious, but immediately turned off by having to name things again.

Samuel Chukwuzube
7 months ago

I like stylex features for the same reason I liked pandacss when it first came out, but switching from tailwindcss is no bueno for me.

1. I don't miss naming things
2. I dislike the object syntax for styles.

Tailwind might be messy and repetitive e.g focus, active, dark mode states but it is still pretty readable. I can tell at a glance what classes are being applied on a component or easily debug issues. I really don't mind adding plugins like tailwind-merge and class-variance-authority.

Robert Hall
7 months ago

Thsnks, I hate it.

7 months ago

I absolutely hate tailwind. Loving this…

Aeron Wolfe
7 months ago

shadcn is the shit

Dawid Wraga
7 months ago

This is just panda css but worse

7 months ago

I am trying stylex on a school project. But there is absolutely no help online for some bugs I encounter while setting it up.
This is my error
Error: stylex.create should never be called. It should be compiled away.

7 months ago

TW doesnt scale??? How? If you want to scale styles in component based frameworks – you are doing something wrong.

Subhasish Das
7 months ago

nope sticking to tailwind