Facts about DJANGO UNCHAINED you might not have known

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“Django Unchained” is a 2012 American western film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. The film stars Jamie Foxx as Django, a freed slave who teams up with a bounty hunter, played by Christoph Waltz, to rescue his wife from a cruel plantation owner, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. The film is known for its graphic violence, dark humor, and Tarantino’s signature nonlinear storytelling.

If you’re a fan of “Django Unchained” and want to learn more about the film, here are some interesting facts that you may not have known:

– The character of Django was originally written for Will Smith, but he turned down the role because he felt that it wasn’t big enough. Jamie Foxx ultimately took on the role and received critical acclaim for his performance.

– Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, Calvin Candie, was originally supposed to be played by Kurt Russell. However, Russell had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts, and DiCaprio was brought in as a replacement. DiCaprio reportedly cut his hand during filming but continued the scene, incorporating the real blood into his performance.

– Christoph Waltz won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Dr. King Schultz, the charming and eccentric bounty hunter who teams up with Django. Waltz’s performance was praised for its wit and complexity, and he and Foxx had great chemistry on screen.

– The film’s soundtrack features a mix of original music by composer Ennio Morricone and popular songs from the 1960s and 70s. Tarantino is known for his eclectic and carefully curated soundtracks, and “Django Unchained” is no exception.

– The film’s violence and use of racial slurs sparked controversy, with some critics accusing Tarantino of being exploitative and insensitive. However, Tarantino defended the film, arguing that it was a historical revenge fantasy that addressed the horrors of slavery in a bold and unflinching way.

– “Django Unchained” was a box office success and received numerous awards and nominations, including five Academy Award nominations. The film’s blend of humor, action, and social commentary made it a standout in Tarantino’s filmography.

Overall, “Django Unchained” is a bold and provocative film that blends elements of spaghetti westerns with Tarantino’s unique style. With its memorable performances, stylish visuals, and memorable soundtrack, it’s a film that continues to resonate with audiences years after its release.

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26 days ago

Some of these villians in these westerns like Judge Holden are top tier scum dawg

26 days ago

Nah his death was just right in the final cut

26 days ago

Seriously, what type of fact was this?

26 days ago

Good idea. We already knew she had gone through those things. Showing it would have been unnecessary

26 days ago

The end of him they used was AWESOME tho

26 days ago

Bs y’all trying to hype up move clips

26 days ago

Smart editing – thank goodness. We got the point. Bringing her up from the pit was heartbreaking enough.

26 days ago

That Billy Crash was a sick trump cultist. The orange dictator wants to take us back to the 1800s and slavery. We can't let this happen.

26 days ago

Fun fact, movies usually don’t put rape scenes anymore because it’s basically committing film suicide.
Almost all films no matter what the are, lose tons of money at the box office when a rape scene is in the film.
Woman hate watching it. Men hate watching them. And children become traumatized from seeing these scenes. The hills have eyes rape scene traumatized 7 year old me. And my parents MADE me watch it

26 days ago

That would have completely ruined the movie

26 days ago

We already know the mind of Quentin T is f#cked up and he doesn't mind using "Hollywood" to live out fantasies. We didn't need more.

26 days ago

Cat dag

26 days ago

L dog

26 days ago

Makes sense, when Django finds her she's all shocked

26 days ago

That movie was fkng great.rediculously great acting.im happy they took that part out,it woulda ruined the movie

26 days ago


26 days ago

Damn would been more exciting movie not because of it it's already awesome movie

26 days ago

This guy always plays the mouthy bad guy in movies . Django, The hateful eight( wasn't a bad guy in this) and , predator

26 days ago

Behind the scenes directors cut special edition Blu-ray?

26 days ago


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