FastAPI Beyond CRUD Part 8: Creating User Accounts with Email and Password

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User Account Creation (Email & Password) – FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 8)

User Account Creation (Email & Password) – FastAPI Beyond CRUD (Part 8)

In Part 8 of our FastAPI Beyond CRUD series, we will be focusing on user account creation using email and password. This is a crucial step for any web application that requires user authentication and authorization.

To create a user account with email and password, we need to follow a few steps. First, we need to create a HTML form that allows users to input their email and password. This form will then be submitted to our FastAPI backend for processing.

Once the form is submitted, our FastAPI backend will receive the email and password data. We can then hash the password for security purposes before storing it in our database. We can then create a new user object with the email and hashed password, and save it in our database.

User account creation is a vital part of any web application that requires user authentication. By following the steps outlined above, we can easily create user accounts with email and password using FastAPI. Stay tuned for the next part of our FastAPI Beyond CRUD series!

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2 months ago

Hi guys! I hope you are enjoying this series. Please click the like button and let me know what you feel about the video.

2 months ago

Very useful content on FastAPI, thank you. Will be waiting for more such videos.

2 months ago
