FastAPI Deployment on AWS Lambda

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Deploy Python API on AWS Lambda | FastAPI on AWS Lambda

Deploy Python API on AWS Lambda | FastAPI on AWS Lambda

Deploying a Python API on AWS Lambda using FastAPI can be a great way to build scalable and cost-effective web services. FastAPI is a modern web framework for building APIs with Python that is fast, easy to use, and supports auto-generated API documentation. AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that allows you to run your code without having to manage servers.

Steps to Deploy Python API on AWS Lambda using FastAPI:

  1. Create a FastAPI application: Start by creating a FastAPI application that defines your API endpoints and routes. You can follow the FastAPI documentation to learn how to create a FastAPI application.
  2. Install AWS CLI: Install the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on your local machine to interact with AWS services.
  3. Create an AWS Lambda function: Use the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI to create a new Lambda function. Upload your FastAPI application code as a ZIP file or deploy it directly from your local machine.
  4. Configure environment variables: Set environment variables in your Lambda function to provide configuration settings such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information.
  5. Test your Lambda function: Use the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI to test your Lambda function and make sure it is working as expected.
  6. Deploy your API: Once your Lambda function is working correctly, you can deploy your API by configuring API Gateway to act as a proxy to your Lambda function.

By following these steps, you can deploy a Python API on AWS Lambda using FastAPI and take advantage of serverless computing to build scalable and cost-effective web services. FastAPI’s built-in support for automatic API documentation and data validation can help you quickly develop and deploy APIs with minimal effort.

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8 days ago

Hello sir…
I have a question..
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8 days ago

Salute Sir

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