FastStream – Celery Killer? [Any]

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FastStream is a powerful task queue and job scheduler that aims to provide high performance and low latency for processing tasks in a distributed environment. In comparison to Celery, another popular task queue system, FastStream boasts better performance and lower overhead, making it a strong competitor in the realm of task processing frameworks.

To set up FastStream, follow these simple steps:

  1. Installation:
    First, ensure that you have Python installed on your system. To install FastStream, use pip:
pip install FastStream
  1. Setting up a FastStream instance:
    To create a FastStream instance, import the FastStream class and initialize it:
from FastStream import FastStream

fs = FastStream()
  1. Defining tasks:
    Tasks in FastStream are defined as normal Python functions. To define a task, use the @fs.task decorator:
def my_task(arg1, arg2):
    return arg1 + arg2
  1. Running tasks:
    To run a task, use the run_task method on the FastStream instance:
result = fs.run_task(my_task, 1, 2)
print(result)  # Output: 3
  1. Scaling up:
    FastStream allows you to easily scale up by adding more worker instances. To do this, simply create more FastStream instances and distribute tasks across them:
fs1 = FastStream()
fs2 = FastStream()

result1 = fs1.run_task(my_task, 1, 2)
result2 = fs2.run_task(my_task, 3, 4)

print(result1)  # Output: 3
print(result2)  # Output: 7
  1. Monitoring and management:
    FastStream provides a web-based dashboard for monitoring and managing tasks. To enable the dashboard, use the enable_dashboard method on the FastStream instance:
  1. Conclusion:
    FastStream is a powerful and efficient task processing framework that offers high performance and low latency. With its easy-to-use API and scalability features, it is a strong competitor to Celery and other task queue systems. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can quickly set up and start using FastStream for your task processing needs.
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1 month ago

Чел сбежал из GTA Vice City и начал делать ролики о программировании 💀

1 month ago

От души бро, делаешь великое дело, снимаю шляпу! Хотел спросить, не планируешь ли ты какие-то ММ мероприятия для разрабов с небольшим коммерческим опытом?

1 month ago

Есть taskiq для тасок и там же есть периодичные таски. Фастстрим это про брокеры и микросервисы (воркеры).
И у фастрима есть интеграция с taskiq. Celery место в джанге, не более.

В асинк проектах селери сломает все к чертям.

1 month ago

жду на гите

1 month ago

Недавно вышла статья на хабре, в тестовый проект затащил ради пробы)

1 month ago
