FCC’s Brendan Carr details accusations against President Biden targeting Elon Musk

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On August 25th, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Brendan Carr made a bold accusation against President Biden, claiming that the President is specifically targeting Elon Musk and his satellite internet venture, SpaceX’s Starlink.

Carr’s accusation came after President Biden’s recent executive order that aims to promote competition and consumer choice within the American economy. While the executive order did not explicitly mention Musk or SpaceX, Carr made the connection that it was targeted at the tech mogul’s efforts to expand Starlink’s satellite internet services.

In a series of tweets, Carr criticized the executive order, arguing that it was “attacking” Musk and SpaceX’s innovation. He claimed that the Biden administration was “lashing out” at Musk for “revolutionizing high-speed and affordable broadband access.”

Carr’s accusations have sparked a debate about the motives behind President Biden’s executive order and the potential impacts on SpaceX and Starlink. Some have questioned whether Carr’s claims are based on legitimate concerns or if they are simply a result of political rhetoric.

It is no secret that SpaceX and Starlink have been disrupting the traditional telecommunications industry with their ambitious goal of providing high-speed internet access to underserved and remote areas around the world. With its constellation of low-earth orbit satellites, Starlink has the potential to bring internet access to millions of people who currently lack reliable connectivity.

Given the transformative nature of Starlink’s vision, it is understandable that any policies or regulations that impact the satellite internet industry could be perceived as targeting SpaceX and Elon Musk. However, it is essential to evaluate the executive order and its potential implications on the industry objectively.

Ultimately, the FCC’s mission is to regulate the communications industry in the public interest, and it is crucial for regulators to ensure fair competition and consumer protection. If President Biden’s executive order is genuinely in pursuit of these goals, then it is essential to carefully analyze its potential impacts on SpaceX and Starlink.

Furthermore, accusations and political rhetoric aside, it is essential for policymakers and industry leaders to engage in constructive dialogue to address the challenges and opportunities posed by innovative technologies like Starlink. Rather than resorting to accusations and finger-pointing, a collaborative approach is necessary to ensure that advancements in satellite internet technology benefit consumers and promote economic growth.

In conclusion, while Brendan Carr’s accusations against President Biden regarding targeting Elon Musk and SpaceX are bold and attention-grabbing, it is crucial to approach the issue with a balanced and open-minded perspective. As the telecommunications industry continues to evolve, it is essential for policymakers, regulators, and industry leaders to work together to navigate the complexities of technological innovation and ensure that the benefits of such advancements are maximized for the greater good.

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6 months ago

MUSK is a living legend!

6 months ago

The ex democrats party is run by high corruption never ever seen in the history of our country

6 months ago

This is exactly why corporate elites and companies have fallen to the D.E.I. Racist policies and all of that madness because The government has been using mafia style tactics, they are criminals.

6 months ago

It has become commonplace for government to target citizens The government has become so corrupt in the political class. So insane that we must secure power back away from the government and limit their authority before they put us in a situation that we can't get out of. Hopefully people are starting to wake up and become more engaged and more aware that. Just because you don't care about politics. Or the government doesn't mean that you're not subject to their dictates and mad ideas

6 months ago

Why does YouTube keep putting these communist propaganda videos on my algorithms?

6 months ago

Thanks for airing this. This government is acting like fascists

6 months ago

Biden's green new deal, and all the money that went to helping established manufacturers compete with Tesla by installing all those charging stations, the 12 billion that went to his friends plants to help convert them to make hybrid and electric cars, and repainting roads to help with their AI systems auto driving is a direct attack on Elon Musk.
Joe's just mad because Elon doesn't pay him his 10% like all the other car manufacturers hahaha. FJB AND TESLA IS STILL KILLING IT!!!

6 months ago

CNN 2.0 = trash

6 months ago

If it's not a trusted technology, why are they using it in Ukraine?

6 months ago

The government is too big, full stop. They should not have this power

6 months ago

The ones affected aren't Musk he isn't going to miss the money but the American people who lose out on maintaining high speed internet. Fix our government people!

6 months ago

Who knew Biden and his admin were just fascists in expensive suits

6 months ago

Aint nothing new here. Biden has been repeatedly having Trump charged with the same things over an over just to have it beaten in court because there was no evidence proving the charges.

6 months ago

Yeah and obamas boats weren’t working. Like we don’t believe he had a hand in his chefs death😮

6 months ago

IMPEACH Biden and Wray and Mayorkas and the Democratic Party ASAP . How Pathetic.

6 months ago

the FCC can G-F-I.

6 months ago

With StarLink internet, there is the installation cost, right? Plus the monthly plan cost, yes? $600.00 dollars to get setup, plus a month cost of $120.00?

These costs seem pretty steep. With the funding, does this reduce the cost someone in a rural area would pay for a StarLink setup? For example, they will only pay $50.00 per month? I didn't see and rural StarLink plans on their website.

Before anyone decides to talk about whether another provider has less value and costs more, you show this, demonstrate this by doing a cost comparison, yes?

And Mr. Musk should do the same, yes? Rather than tweeting out something, Mr. Musk should also show that the funding would reduce the cost to rural areas around the US, yes?

My perspective is that the program should support multiple venders, to give them an opportunity to compete.

Other venders have not been given billions of dollars from a government agency to build out technologies that support them and in turn support supplying rural areas like Mr. Musk has, right? Other venders have not been given the time, as Mr. Musk has, to develop the Falcon Nine support system and the StarLink system, Yes?

Just like NASA's decision to support multiple launch providers, to give SpaceX opportunities, the government programs can choose to give multiple vendors opportunities as well, yes?

One of the governments goals, is to support competition, yes? And by virtue of this fact, they/we do not want to create a monopoly, yes?

The lack of graciousness of Mr. Musk, the lack of perspective by Mr. Musk and Brendan Carr is amazing.

We're living in a time, through an age where we have access to some amazing tools to help us learn and communicate. Yes these two gentlemen demonstrate they are not studied people. They are not thinking. They are child like in their analysis and assessment and whining.



6 months ago

Biden is owned by China. Know this and everything else make sense.

6 months ago

Einstein changed his citizenship when he was persecuted. Can we please not make Elon Musk do the same thing?

6 months ago

Don't trust Brandon with spacex he might give them secrets to China