Federal Judge Shuts Down Trump at Trial

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In a stunning turn of events, former President Donald Trump was dealt a major blow in a federal court as a judge shut down his attempts to block the release of White House records to the House committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot.

The decision, which came from U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, was a resounding victory for the committee and a major setback for Trump’s efforts to keep information about his time in office under wraps.

In her ruling, Judge Chutkan rejected Trump’s arguments that the records were protected by executive privilege, pointing out that the current president, Joe Biden, had already waived that privilege and allowed the National Archives to hand over the requested documents.

This decision comes as a major blow to Trump and his allies, who have been working tirelessly to block the release of the records in an effort to protect the former president from potential legal and political consequences stemming from the events of January 6th.

The House committee, which is seeking to uncover the details surrounding the Capitol riot and Trump’s possible role in inciting it, hailed the judge’s decision as a significant victory for the rule of law and the principle of transparency.

“This ruling is a critical step forward in the committee’s work to uncover the full truth of January 6th and ensure accountability for those who attacked our democracy,” said committee chair Rep. Bennie Thompson.

The ruling is also a stark reminder of the power of the judiciary to serve as a check on the executive branch, particularly in cases where the former president has sought to stonewall investigations and conceal information from the public.

As the legal battles continue to unfold, it remains to be seen how Trump will respond to this latest setback and whether he will continue to fight the release of the records through the courts.

In the meantime, the House committee can now move forward with its investigation, armed with the knowledge that the courts have upheld its authority to access the records it needs to uncover the truth about the events of January 6th.

The ruling also serves as a powerful message that no one, not even a former president, is above the law, and that the pursuit of justice will not be derailed by attempts to obstruct the truth from coming to light.

The decision of the federal judge to shut down Trump’s attempts to block the release of White House records to the House committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot is a significant victory for transparency and a reminder of the importance of the rule of law. It also sends a clear message that attempts to obstruct investigations will not be tolerated and that the pursuit of justice will prevail.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

Senile Trump should be put away ASAP!

6 months ago

He’s MIs useing the court when are they going to stop him from this bullshit

6 months ago

When are these judges going to put their foot down with Trump and hold him accountability.

6 months ago

Vote Blue in 2024 Or Democracy will be no more. 14th Amendment Sec. 3 United States Constitution.

6 months ago

If people would search and do diligence they can find this in regards to "Double Jepordy" :The Fifth Amendment's Double Jeopardy Clause

prevents anyone from being prosecuted twice for the same crime. However, some legal scholars say that this clause doesn't apply to impeachment


Impeachment is a process where a legislative body or other tribunal charges a public official for misconduct. The Senate acts as a High Court of Impeachment to consider evidence, hear witnesses, and vote to convict

or acquit the official. A two-thirds vote of the Senate is required for conviction.
The Key word her are "LEGISLATIVE BODY", they are not a court as we know it. A court is a tribunal presided over by a judge, judges, or a magistrate in civil and criminal cases. In Frumps case it is criminal not political. Thus I see the appeal, which should never had been brought in the first place because he has to be convicted BEFORE an appeal can be submitted, gets thrown out.
I understand where all of you are coming from. I'm sick of this ahole running arround thinking he can do anything he wants to and getaway with it. I have faith in our legal system as far as he is concerned because they got him dead to rites and he can't slither his way out of it. He has never been held accountable for anything he's done, and he's done plenty. But now he has to face the music and he doesn't like it, well that's to F***ING BAD. Suffer you piece of shit.

6 months ago

Maybe it’s time Trumps legal team in jail with him.

6 months ago

Man, that is a LONG time. George Floyd was arrested on SUSPICION of passing off a counterfeit $20 bill. The arresting officer "Chauvin" was his judge and executioner all in the space of 20 minutes…tops. He had no rights.
. Was kind of hoping this Trump case would be just as quick. Or the judge was an avid fisherman and wanted to get out "fishing" so they would move up the date by a couple days with each failed appeal. Judge does not have to give a reason(as the appeal attempts just pss'd them off.) >they just want to go fishing on some quiet lake< so, the sooner this is over, the better.

6 months ago

You are the sneakiest bunch of crooked demoRATS ever!

6 months ago

تشااتاان اونكوري لجاو

6 months ago

😶 vague means his legal team did 🤥. This is creating a lot of delays.

6 months ago

LIBERALs are a waste of space

6 months ago

This is all a joke, letting trump get away with everything, stop being scared of this orange pumpkin and put him in jail, letting this foul mouth run for president is dangerous for the country lock him up now

6 months ago

Grabbing at straws won't work Don !

6 months ago

OMG she is a democrat. Don’t believe it. You are throwing out ridiculous propaganda. I think All this is frivolous. Biden and his family should go to jail for all their fraud. Give us a break. Garbage.

6 months ago

Gee man, how can this guy be President. Such a con artist

6 months ago

Trump was right. Where is the missing evidence? Why is it missing. As a US citizen, it becomes very worrisome to not have the video evidence. Makes a person wonder, context, wording. This trial is huge and evidence is destroyed. Should be thrown out. No backup? WTF? Sounds like the plane that hit the pentagon records room thar destroyed records of missing money. Was it millions or billions of dollars? Eh we will print more…right. who care who stole the money😅😅😅 these motions are not frivolous. Evidence doesn't just disappear. Someone did that.
Someone's testimony is not frivolous especially when the transcripts are altered.

6 months ago

Knowing these requests are ridiculous doesn't matter…orange imbecile lawyers are just piling on talking points to load up their appeal upon the citrus criminals conviction..that most certainly will happen…long live democracy and the demise of authotarianship < ? ..spelling..sorry.

6 months ago

What about fining lawyers for filing frivolous motions? Risking their license?

6 months ago

It's rather sad that he can file appeal after appeal. Regular people wouldn't have the money to keep filing those appeals. Oh wait, he's not spending his money. He's spending his supporters money!! No problem!!