Final Project Code in Place 2021: PySimpleGUI – Psychrometrics Calculator GUI

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Psychrometrics is the study of the properties of moist air, including how temperature, pressure, and humidity interact to determine the state of the air. A Psychrometrics Calculator is a useful tool for engineers, researchers, and students studying the behavior of moist air in various applications such as HVAC systems, weather forecasting, and industrial processes. In this tutorial, we will create a GUI Psychrometrics Calculator using PySimpleGUI as our final project for the Code in Place 2021 course.

PySimpleGUI is a Python library that allows you to easily create GUIs for your Python applications. It provides a simple and intuitive way to design and implement user interfaces with minimal code. We will be using PySimpleGUI to create a user-friendly interface for our Psychrometrics Calculator.

To get started, make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download Python from the official website ( if you don’t already have it installed. Once you have Python installed, you can install PySimpleGUI by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install PySimpleGUI

Now that you have PySimpleGUI installed, let’s get started on creating our Psychrometrics Calculator GUI. The first step is to import the necessary modules:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

Next, we will define the layout of our GUI using PySimpleGUI elements such as Text, Input, and Button widgets. Here is a basic layout for our Psychrometrics Calculator:

layout = [
    [sg.Text('Enter dry-bulb temperature (°C):'), sg.InputText()],
    [sg.Text('Enter relative humidity (%):'), sg.InputText()],
    [sg.Text('Enter atmospheric pressure (kPa):'), sg.InputText()],
    [sg.Output(size=(50, 10))]

In this layout, we have three input fields for the dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure, as well as a Calculate button to trigger the calculation. The result will be displayed in the Output widget.

Now that we have defined the layout, let’s create the window for our GUI:

window = sg.Window('Psychrometrics Calculator', layout)

Next, we will create a function to calculate the psychrometric properties based on the input values provided by the user:

def calculate_psychrometrics(values):
    # Retrieve input values
    dry_bulb_temp = float(values[0])
    rel_humidity = float(values[1])
    atm_pressure = float(values[2])

    # Perform psychrometric calculations
    # Add your psychrometric calculations here

    # Print results
    print(f'Dry-bulb temperature: {dry_bulb_temp} °C')
    print(f'Relative humidity: {rel_humidity} %')
    print(f'Atmospheric pressure: {atm_pressure} kPa')
    print('Results will be displayed here.')

Now, we will add a loop to continuously read user input and handle events in the GUI window:

while True:
    event, values =

    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:

    if event == 'Calculate':

Finally, we will close the window when the user exits the GUI:


That’s it! You have now created a basic Psychrometrics Calculator GUI using PySimpleGUI. You can customize the layout and add more features to make it more interactive and user-friendly. Feel free to explore the PySimpleGUI documentation for more options and widgets to enhance your GUI.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful and enjoyed creating your Psychrometrics Calculator GUI. Have fun experimenting with GUI design and exploring the world of Psychrometrics!

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3 hours ago

I liked your use of Tabs on the left side 👍 Creative… not seen this done by anyone yet. Nice job. I hope you got a good grade! A+ from me.

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