Finland’s Foreign Minister Warns of Russia’s “Existential and Long-Term” Threat

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Russia’s threat is ‘existential and long-term,’ warns Finland’s foreign minister

Finland’s foreign minister, Pekka Haavisto, has issued a stark warning about the threat posed by Russia, calling it “existential and long-term.” Haavisto’s comments come at a time when tensions between Russia and the West are at their highest point since the end of the Cold War.

Finland shares a long border with Russia and has a complicated history with its powerful neighbor. In recent years, Finland has sought to bolster its defense capabilities in the face of an increasingly assertive Russia. Haavisto’s warning is a clear indication that Finland takes the Russian threat seriously and is prepared to confront it.

The Finnish foreign minister’s comments are especially significant in the context of a broader debate about Russia’s intentions and capabilities. Many Western leaders have expressed concerns about Russia’s aggressive behavior in recent years, including its annexation of Crimea, its military intervention in Ukraine, and its support for authoritarian regimes in Syria and Belarus. These actions have raised fears about Russia’s long-term ambitions and the potential for a new era of conflict in Europe.

Haavisto’s warning about the “existential and long-term” nature of the Russian threat reflects a growing consensus among Western policymakers that Russia is a major strategic challenge. This view is bolstered by Russia’s military modernization efforts, its aggressive posture in the Baltic Sea region, and its continued interference in the domestic politics of Western countries.

Finland, as a front-line state in the confrontation with Russia, has a unique perspective on the Russian threat. The country has been keenly aware of the potential dangers posed by its large eastern neighbor for centuries and has historically adopted a pragmatic approach to managing its relationship with Russia. However, Haavisto’s warning suggests that Finland is now taking a more assertive stance in response to the changing security environment in Europe.

The Finnish government’s assessment of the Russian threat is likely to have significant implications for the wider debate about European security. Finland is not a member of NATO, but it cooperates closely with the alliance and shares many of its concerns about Russia. Haavisto’s warning underscores the need for a unified Western response to the Russian challenge and the importance of maintaining a strong and cohesive transatlantic alliance.

In conclusion, Haavisto’s warning about the “existential and long-term” nature of the Russian threat is a stark reminder of the complex and evolving security challenges facing Europe. Finland’s perspective as a border state with Russia adds valuable insight to the broader debate about Russian intentions and capabilities. It is clear that Russia’s actions and behavior are being closely monitored by its neighbors, and the need for a unified Western response to the Russian challenge has never been more pressing.

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9 months ago


9 months ago

The threat to Finland is existential for sur, while RF will – being utterly feed up – shut ALL contacts with Finland, including border crossings, trade, communication , traffic, airspace, energy – you name it. It may declare 1300 km eastern border a militarized zone , provoke incidents every night perhaps, with huge cost to Finland. To stand just 1 soldier per km, you would need some 5000 men on this duty alone. …By braking economic ties with RF, Finland is already suffering huge economic decline. It has just changed a relatively autonomous national policy with provocative status of US vassal state, with all risks involved. And, when it stars to get hot, you'll be thrown under the bus, as per standard.

9 months ago

Why do you lie Elina? Russia has in no way threatened Finland. You can not substantiate your false claim.

9 months ago

So i got it. Finland was scared by 50 arabs on bycicles and closed the border😂 how touchy they are😂

9 months ago

I’m wondering when Merkel opened the EU borders to three million illegal immigrants, why Finland didn’t close its borders with other countries and allowed everyone to cross its border without hindrance?

9 months ago

Self inflicted problem cry me a river.

9 months ago

This is just shameless propaganda.

9 months ago

They will regret partnering with the US.

9 months ago

Finland participated in the genocide against Russians in St. .Petersburg during WWII as allies of the nazis. We know where their sympathies lie. Never forget!

9 months ago

For the sake of fairness, let´s recall, what she forgot to say, that already in February 2022 Finland, long before joining Nato in April 2023, ceased to apply the 2012 border cooperation agreement with Russia. Mutually, Russia ceased to apply the border agreement in October 2023. After that Russia did no longer check travel documents, what they earlier kindly on behalf of Finland did.

9 months ago

trudeau bill gates and klaus schwab are a bigger threat to canada than putin is or ever will be lets tackle that trifecta of subversion first

9 months ago

Ask the GOP hardliners that are impeding aid to Ukraine whether they think their constituents are really okay with having to fight Putin themselves at much higher cost later if they let him take over Ukraine now.

9 months ago

Russia should open the Afghan border and offer free passage to the EU.

9 months ago

Finland is going down the wrong rabbit hole USA/NATO is the enemy

9 months ago

Zelensky is a CRIMINAL!! Just bought 2 yaughts worth 75 million with our money and he wants more??? NO THANKS!

9 months ago

To funny, the US has them super paranoid. Russia is not going to invade anyone else. Russia does not want to take on NATO

9 months ago

We are witnessing the collapse of the American empire.

9 months ago

Russia has already won.

9 months ago

Yu ar luzer tak no😮 sens😮

9 months ago

«Russia targeted NATO by sending 1000 civilians to the Finnish border”. Im chilen.