Fix: Node.js version v.X.X detected. Node.js versions with odd numbers will not enter LTS.

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Solución (FIX): Node.js version v.X.X detected

Solución (FIX): Node.js version v.X.X detected. Odd numbered Node.js versions will not enter LTS…

If you are seeing the message “Node.js version v.X.X detected. Odd numbered Node.js versions will not enter LTS…” when working with Node.js, don’t worry, there is a solution.

This message is indicating that the version of Node.js you are using is an odd numbered version, which means it will not enter Long-Term Support (LTS) and may have limited support for future updates and enhancements.

The solution to this issue is to upgrade to the latest LTS version of Node.js. This will ensure that you have access to ongoing support and updates for your Node.js application.

To upgrade your Node.js version, you can use a version manager like nvm (Node Version Manager) or simply download and install the latest LTS version from the official Node.js website.

Once you have upgraded to the latest LTS version, you should no longer see the message about odd numbered Node.js versions and can proceed with your development and deployment as usual.

It’s important to stay on top of the latest LTS versions of Node.js to ensure that your applications remain secure and supported by the community. Regularly updating your Node.js version will also give you access to the latest features and improvements in the Node.js ecosystem.

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6 months ago

👨‍💻👨‍🏫 Además, te recomiendo los siguientes cursos para complementar tu aprendizaje:

Curso de NodeJs y Npm:

Solución Errores Comunes en NodeJs, Npm, Angular…:

Curso de Angular:

Solución Errores Comunes en Angular:

Curso de TypeScript – Reglas de Sonar:

Curso de Visual Studio Code:

Curso de Git – Visual Studio Code:

🤩 y muchos más que encontraras en el canal…

6 months ago

Muchas gracias! Me gsuto como explicaste y me fue muy util