Fixing ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Tensorflow in Jupyter Notebook (2024)

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How to FIX ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Tensorflow in Jupyter Notebook

How to FIX ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Tensorflow in Jupyter Notebook

If you are encountering the error “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tensorflow’” in your Jupyter Notebook, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Follow these steps to fix this issue:

Step 1: Install TensorFlow

First, make sure you have TensorFlow installed on your system. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install tensorflow

Step 2: Restart Jupyter Notebook

After installing TensorFlow, you may need to restart your Jupyter Notebook to ensure that the changes take effect. Close the notebook, restart the Jupyter server, and then open the notebook again.

Step 3: Check TensorFlow Installation

To confirm that TensorFlow has been successfully installed, you can import it in your Jupyter Notebook and check for any errors:

import tensorflow as tf

If the import statement runs without any errors, then TensorFlow has been successfully installed and you should no longer encounter the “ModuleNotFoundError” issue.

Step 4: Update TensorFlow

If you are still facing issues with importing TensorFlow, try updating the package to the latest version:

pip install --upgrade tensorflow

After updating TensorFlow, restart your Jupyter Notebook and try importing the package again to see if the issue has been resolved.


By following these steps, you should be able to fix the “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tensorflow’” error in your Jupyter Notebook. Make sure to install and update TensorFlow as needed to ensure smooth operation of your machine learning projects.

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2 days ago

will this work for every notebook or will it be only exclusive this very notebook?
great video btw!

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