Flask Volt PRO Gets a Major Update: CI/CD Support, Enhanced Codebase Now Available | AppSeed

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Flask Volt PRO #updated – CI/CD Support, Improved Codebase | AppSeed

Flask Volt PRO #updated – CI/CD Support, Improved Codebase | AppSeed

AppSeed has released an updated version of Flask Volt PRO, a premium Flask dashboard template. This new version comes with several enhancements, including CI/CD support and an improved codebase.

CI/CD Support

With the new CI/CD support, developers can now easily set up continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines for their Flask apps. This feature streamlines the development process and helps ensure a smooth workflow from development to production.

Improved Codebase

The updated version of Flask Volt PRO also features an improved codebase, making it easier for developers to customize and extend the template. The clean and well-organized code structure helps developers quickly understand and navigate through the codebase, reducing development time and effort.

Overall, the updated Flask Volt PRO template from AppSeed is a powerful tool for building modern Flask applications. With its CI/CD support and improved codebase, developers can create robust and scalable applications with ease.

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