Flask vs Django: Choosing a Python Web Framework

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When it comes to building web applications in Python, two popular choices are Django and Flask. Both are robust web frameworks that can help you create dynamic and interactive websites, but they have some key differences that may influence your decision on which one to use. In this tutorial, we will compare Django and Flask to help you decide which one is right for your project.


Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean design. It follows the Model-View-Template (MVT) pattern, which is similar to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern but with a few key differences. Django comes with a built-in admin interface, object-relational mapper (ORM), and form handling capabilities, making it easy to build complex web applications quickly.

Some key features of Django include:

1. Batteries included: Django comes with a set of pre-built features that make it easy to build web applications without having to reinvent the wheel. This includes authentication, admin interface, ORM, form handling, and more.

2. Scalability: Django is designed to scale well, making it suitable for building large and complex web applications. It can handle high traffic and large datasets with ease.

3. Security: Django takes security seriously and has built-in features to protect against common web vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and CSRF attacks.

4. Community support: Django has a large and active community of developers who contribute plugins, tutorials, and support to help you build your web application.


Flask is a microframework for Python that is designed to be lightweight and flexible. It follows a minimalistic approach, allowing developers to build web applications with just the features they need. Flask is more of a DIY framework compared to Django, as it requires you to choose and add libraries for specific functionalities like ORM, authentication, and form handling.

Some key features of Flask include:

1. Lightweight: Flask is a minimalistic framework that doesn’t come with pre-built features like Django. This allows you to add only the libraries you need for your specific project, keeping your application lightweight and fast.

2. Flexibility: Flask gives you more freedom to structure your application the way you want. You can choose the libraries and tools that best fit your project requirements, giving you more control over your codebase.

3. Learning curve: Flask is simpler and easier to learn compared to Django, making it a good choice for beginners or small projects that don’t require the complexity of Django.

4. Extensibility: Flask has a rich ecosystem of extensions and plugins that allow you to add functionality to your application easily. This includes libraries for ORM, authentication, form handling, and more.

Which one should you choose?

When choosing between Django and Flask, consider the following factors:

1. Project complexity: If you are building a large and complex web application that requires built-in features like authentication, admin interface, and ORM, Django may be a better choice. However, if you are building a small or simple web application that requires flexibility and lightweightness, Flask may be more suitable.

2. Learning curve: Django has a steeper learning curve compared to Flask, so if you are new to web development or Python, you may find Flask easier to get started with.

3. Community support: Django has a larger and more active community compared to Flask, so if you value community support and documentation, Django may be the better choice.

In conclusion, both Django and Flask are excellent choices for building web applications in Python, and the decision on which one to use ultimately depends on your project requirements, familiarity with the framework, and personal preferences. Consider the factors mentioned above and choose the framework that best fits your needs.

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2 hours ago

공부도 해야하고 서비스도 배표해야 하는데 ㅠㅠㅠ

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

깔끔한 정보전달 감사드립니다:-)

2 hours ago

혹시 프레임워크 없이 개발하는건 뭐라고 하나요?

2 hours ago

django vs flask는 이 영상으로 종결이네요
깔끔한 정리 감사합니다

2 hours ago

말을 너무 조리있게 잘하시네요~

2 hours ago

그럼 Flask로 공부하고 Django로 서비스를 하는 방향으로 가도 되는건가요?

2 hours ago

제가 원한 영상이었어요 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ

2 hours ago

완벽한 설명입니다. 감사합니다.

2 hours ago

참고할게요 감사합니다.

2 hours ago

지금 플라스크로 간단한 서비스 개발을 하고 있는데요~ 플라스크는 사용자수에 영향을 받지 않을까요?? 예를들어 한달에 수만명이 쓰는 서비스의 경우에 플라스크를 써도 퍼포먼스에 문제는 없을지요??

2 hours ago

flask로 실시간 파이썬에 웹캠을 달아서 cctv를 웹으로 받는 방법을 배웠는데요 하나의 웹에서 여러 cctv영상을 받아올수도 있을까요?

2 hours ago

현재 딥러닝 모델 돌리기 위해 웹으로 파라미터를 받아서 모델 결과값을 다시 웹으로 띄어주는 간단한 프로토타입을 두 가지 중 뭐로 할까 한참을 고민하다 덕분에 선택하게 되었습니다 ~~ flask가 참고할만한 자료가 적은데 초보자가 참고할만한 좋은 자료가 있을까요?

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