
Fly.io and Tigris Object Storage: A CRUD Application

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Fly.io and Tigris Object Storage CRUD APP

Fly.io and Tigris Object Storage CRUD APP

Today we will be discussing how to create a CRUD application using Fly.io and Tigris Object Storage.

What is Fly.io?

Fly.io is a platform that helps developers deploy and scale their applications quickly and easily. With Fly.io, you can deploy your app to multiple locations around the world with just a few commands. This makes it ideal for applications that require high availability and low latency.

What is Tigris Object Storage?

Tigris Object Storage is a scalable and durable storage solution that allows you to store and retrieve large amounts of data efficiently. It is perfect for storing files, images, videos, and other types of data in the cloud.

Creating a CRUD APP with Fly.io and Tigris Object Storage

First, you will need to create a new Fly.io account and set up your application. Once your app is deployed, you can use the Tigris Object Storage API to store and retrieve data in your app.

To create a CRUD app, you will need to set up endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data. You can use HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to interact with your data in Tigris Object Storage.

For example, you can create a new endpoint to upload a file to Tigris Object Storage like this:

POST /api/upload
"file": "file.jpg",
"data": "base64encodeddata"

Once the file is uploaded, you can retrieve it using a GET request like this:

GET /api/files/file.jpg

You can also update and delete files using PUT and DELETE requests respectively.


By combining Fly.io and Tigris Object Storage, you can create a powerful CRUD application that is scalable, efficient, and easy to manage. With Fly.io’s global network and Tigris Object Storage’s reliability, you can build robust applications that can handle large amounts of data with ease.

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3 months ago

Great video, thanks 🎉