Former President Trump engages with audience members in Q&A session | 2023 Recap

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In a surprising and unprecedented move, former President Donald Trump took questions from crowd members during a speaking engagement in 2023. The event, which took place at a rally in Florida, saw the former president engage with supporters in a way that has rarely been seen before.

Throughout his presidency, Donald Trump was known for his bold, unfiltered and often controversial statements, but his willingness to engage directly with ordinary citizens in a public forum is a departure from the more scripted and controlled appearances that we have come to expect from politicians.

The exchange of questions and answers provided a rare opportunity for the public to directly engage with a former president and allowed for a more transparent and unfiltered discussion of important issues. It also showcased a different side of Donald Trump, one that is more open and accessible to the public.

The event was a testament to the enduring influence and popularity of Donald Trump, who continues to command a loyal and dedicated following. His decision to take questions from the crowd further solidified his connection with his supporters and demonstrated his willingness to engage with them in a meaningful way.

The questions asked by the crowd members ranged from topics such as immigration and foreign policy to the economy and healthcare. Donald Trump fielded the questions with his trademark confidence and assertiveness, offering his thoughts and insights on each issue.

The event was a reminder of the impact that Donald Trump has had on American politics and the enduring support that he continues to enjoy. It also served as a reflection of the changing dynamics of political engagement, with politicians increasingly embracing direct interactions with the public through social media and public appearances.

While the event was met with criticism from some who questioned the appropriateness of a former president engaging with the public in this manner, others saw it as a refreshing and unfiltered exchange that provided much-needed transparency and accessibility.

Regardless of one’s political views, it is undeniable that the event was a significant moment in the political landscape, and it will undoubtedly fuel ongoing discussions about the role and influence of former presidents in public discourse.

As we look ahead to the future, it will be interesting to see if more politicians, both current and former, will follow in Donald Trump’s footsteps and engage directly with the public in a similar manner. The event served as a powerful reminder of the importance of open and transparent dialogue in our political discourse and the enduring impact of charismatic and outspoken leaders like Donald Trump.

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6 months ago

Trump 2024.

6 months ago

Yes bring back normalcy! And manufactures so people can work 7-330 while their children are in school. So the parents can be home at a deacent hour in the evening and weekends off! Children can be somewhat safer and be with their parents and siblings not passed off to sitters and time away from home! Trump 2024 🇺🇸 USA

6 months ago

Only thing that bugs me is why does everybody ask him the same questions as every open mic? Nobody is asking him questions they haven’t been asked before

6 months ago

Обожаю Байдена, если бы мог, я за него бы проголосовал😅

6 months ago


6 months ago

Obviously FORBES NEWS is a gop/trump sympathetic… Makes me distrustful of them. Its the bias displayed that shuts me down.

6 months ago

Refrugees from south america to US, Ukraine and Gaza ware, prev/current ware in Syria made floodes of refrugees to Europe, new Venezuela Guyana war, hututsi in Redsee,  are caused by russia, iran, china++. Soon northkorea will be much more agressive and china will start a war with Taiwan. This because a "multiple fronts wars" are hard to handle by the western/democratic countries. This together with the  extreme right (GOP in the US for example and others in Europe) in he western/democratic countries which have hard to see the long term, global connections and imagine how the future will look like help russia,iran,china etc to get power and chaos.

6 months ago

Trump is our real current President. Not former.

6 months ago

In fear you might become POTUS again, they're coming from all over the world.

6 months ago

The border wasn't any better when you were in Office. Separation of children from parents didn't do anything.

6 months ago

They praise, believe and fall for things Trump utters and wear Trump's mark on their heads. And Trump's number is 666.

6 double meat quarterpounders, 6 large fries and 6 large diet 😅…..

6 months ago

Let's see Biden do this 😂

6 months ago

Do you think the LGBT propaganda should be banned like they are in Muslim countries??

Ever since Obama legalized it, society has been going downhill

6 months ago

Think the left put a stop to alot of his progress out of spite. No matter how much it hurts the people didn't matter as long as it hurts Trump.
That and the border also was big money for sex trafficking children. Left don't want to give that up, so they will say whatever they can to keep it freely opened. Turning it all around saying it helps innocent people get in having them unsecured. So, we have to have them opened! what bullshit..

6 months ago

I want to see someone from the government get fired and or go to jail the get away with everything It's bullshit.

6 months ago

Watching this from Scotland and thinking how wonderful it is to see Americans with common sense.

6 months ago

No you dont have a good memory if a wall of 40miles you think its 100's of 100's of miles,, thats ljke a big difference, not a mistake , its like his New York apartment saying 33,000sqf, but iys just 10,000sqf, what a loser, a conartist

6 months ago

NEW YORK CITY IS A CRIME DEN..! Is that why his HQ IS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, He does business there and lives there..??? He cut taxes to big corporations, not the small business that actually need it and got their business closed because they didnt fall into the "braquet" or the "Basic Requirements" needed to be allowed the access the aid-service for unemployment or business aids to prevent bankruptcy..! While the big corpo get millions of hundred of millions if not billions from the government for help to prevent them from having to fired ppls,, the government give the money and they still do lay off, tthey put the money in their pockets,pay the corrupted ppl that allowed it to be given to them and the ppl who closes their eyes to the lost of jobs and the corpo not standing to their words..! Well its all Trump that did thoses biggest cuts to big corpos, he double the debts America's got by spending more than the last 3 administrations, and says he got jobs up, when he got millions of jobs lost to foreign countrys, while Biden got millions of new jobs here in the US.! THE GUY LIES ON ALL FACTS AND THING WHEN HE SAYS ,WE HAVE LOST JOBS(LIES)"THERE FOR YOU,, POUAHAHAHAHAH, OK HES THERE FOR HIS WALLET AND THE LUXURY PF THE WHITE HOUSE THATS ALL..! TAKE AWAY VETERANTS PENSIONS,,, THATS LOW

6 months ago

The Deep State and DC politicians have been allowed to rob the working class blind for 50 years. DJT scares the hell out of all of them, because they know that given the right tools, he'll be able to put a stop to what they're doing.
Pray for this man's safety, because I don't believe there's any length they won't go to to stop him.

6 months ago

yeah, increase tax on imports.