Former Prosecutor: Trump’s Immunity Appeal May Not Succeed

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In a recent court case, former President Donald Trump has appealed a ruling that would require him to testify in a civil lawsuit involving allegations of defamation. Trump’s legal team has argued that he should be immune from such legal proceedings while serving as President, but a former prosecutor believes that this appeal may not go Trump’s way.

The case in question involves Summer Zervos, a former contestant on Trump’s reality TV show “The Apprentice,” who has accused Trump of sexually assaulting her in 2007. Zervos filed a defamation lawsuit against Trump after he called her a liar and said her allegations were “total fiction” during his 2016 presidential campaign.

In March, a New York state court ruled that Trump must provide testimony in the case, rejecting his argument that he is immune from state legal action while in office. Trump’s legal team has now taken the case to an appeals court, hoping to overturn the ruling and avoid having to testify.

However, former federal prosecutor Jennifer Rodgers believes that Trump’s immunity appeal may not be successful. In an interview with MSNBC, Rodgers explained that the court’s ruling is based on the idea that no one, not even the President, is above the law.

Rodgers pointed out that the Supreme Court has previously ruled that a president can be subject to civil litigation for actions taken before assuming office. She also noted that the doctrine of presidential immunity only applies to official acts and not to personal conduct outside the scope of the presidency.

Furthermore, Rodgers stated that the appellate court would likely consider the potential for abuse of power if the President were allowed to claim immunity from any and all legal proceedings. She also emphasized that the case is a civil matter, not a criminal one, and that the president’s duty to provide testimony in such cases is well-established.

It remains to be seen how the appeals court will rule on Trump’s immunity appeal, but the former prosecutor’s analysis suggests that Trump may face an uphill battle in avoiding testimony in the Zervos lawsuit. If the court upholds the lower court’s ruling, Trump will be required to provide testimony in the case, potentially opening him up to further legal scrutiny as he navigates the post-presidency landscape.

Overall, the former prosecutor’s perspective on Trump’s immunity appeal underscores the broader principle that no one, not even a former president, is immune from legal accountability. As the legal process unfolds, it will be interesting to see how this case shapes the future legal standing of former presidents and their accountability for their actions.

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9 months ago

Bad boys bad boy, what you gonna do when it come for you

9 months ago

TOO LATE!!!!! Every living person knows the difference between the truth and BS!

9 months ago

If the SCOTUS rules presidents & ex-presidents are immune to prosecution for crimes, it would turn our democratic republic into a monarchy & terminate the Constitution overnight.

9 months ago

Iy wont go Trumps way. There is NO Absolute immunity for anyone in America. We do not have Kings. Trump is not special , he is a criminal defendant Donald.

9 months ago

Trump can’t win. 1st. To win he needs all GOP voters. Pro Romney, Ryan, Chaney, McCain, Bush, Boehner. None will vote for him, only united parties win. 2nd. In 2016 and 2020 he lost every age group under 60, while his old voters die at the rate of 14/100 every year. So, the math says he can’t win. You need another conservative candidate.

9 months ago

The Constitution is silent on whether a president can face criminal prosecution in court. The last, best hope for the rule of law is not judges or lawyers but American Voters. We don't want presidents to be blackmailed or threatened with prosecution.

9 months ago


9 months ago

The trial was in March now.. July maybe, because of this.

9 months ago

He has already been sued for defamation that occurred during his term. He has no immunity

9 months ago

It's good to see the supreme court boxed in. If they say Trump is immune it makes them look biased and if he is not immune he could be convicted.

9 months ago

Great, they can start prosecute bush and Obama also

9 months ago

Will trump debate Biden, and will trump be handcuffed and shackled while it happens?

9 months ago

We need Epstein’s list before the election!

9 months ago


9 months ago

If they give him immunity, that gives every president (including Biden right now. He still has over a year to go ) while they’re president immunity to do anything they want. Which would be a disaster.

9 months ago

The Revolution will. I cannot wait, am all in ,

9 months ago

The Anti Trump is so over the top it become a Joke that not funny While millions of Americans are suffering from food insecurity by way of biden inflation programs now add low wages and unaffordable fuel gas electric It about Trump who left office 3 years ago

9 months ago

I hate yall are doing this to 45. But yall are determined to burn him. So I predict based on the bias that Truml will loose. He will loose everything. He will ONLY win on appeals after he looses.

9 months ago

What will tomorrow's headlines say about President Trump? The fake news already knows, the rest of us will have to wait. Hahahaha 😊

9 months ago

But then it just might go his way. Bet that would really get your craw.