Former South African President withdraws support from ruling party, causing political turmoil | WION

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In a shocking turn of events, South Africa’s former President Thabo Mbeki has announced his decision to withdraw his support from the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party. In a statement released to the media, Mbeki expressed his frustration with the direction in which the party is headed, citing concerns about the ANC’s adherence to its founding principles and the erosion of its moral authority.

Mbeki, who served as the country’s president from 1999 to 2008, is seen as a key figure in South African politics. His decision to distance himself from the ANC is not only a blow to the party but also a reflection of the growing disillusionment with its leadership.

In his statement, Mbeki cited several reasons for his withdrawal of support, including the failure of the party to address issues of corruption, inequality, and unemployment. He also expressed concerns about the lack of accountability within the ANC and the erosion of democratic institutions.

The former president’s decision comes at a critical time for the ANC, which has been grappling with internal divisions and a decline in public confidence. The party has been plagued by corruption scandals and allegations of mismanagement, leading to a loss of support among many South Africans.

Mbeki’s withdrawal of support is likely to further weaken the ANC’s standing and could signal a shift in the country’s political landscape. It is also a reminder of the challenges facing South Africa as it seeks to address deep-rooted issues of inequality, poverty, and governance.

The ANC has responded to Mbeki’s statement, expressing regret over his decision and acknowledging the need for introspection within the party. The leadership has also highlighted the importance of addressing the concerns raised by Mbeki and others who have voiced similar criticisms.

The withdrawal of support from a figure of Mbeki’s stature is a significant development in South African politics and is likely to fuel further debate about the future of the ANC and the country’s direction. It also underscores the need for political reform and a renewed commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing South Africa.

As the country navigates this period of uncertainty, it is crucial for all stakeholders to come together to chart a path forward that addresses the concerns raised by Mbeki and others. The future of South Africa’s democracy and development hinges on the ability of its leaders to rise to the challenges at hand and rebuild public trust in the political system.

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6 months ago

Zuma's actions are fuelled by trabalism and stupidity.
He thinks he owns ANC and will be the president for ever.
He sold our country to his friends the Guptas n destroyed our country.
He should rot in jail

6 months ago

You got to love how the ANC is getting destroyed from the inside out. Soon they will be no more. Do not be surprised if they flee this country….

6 months ago

Yes you get what you vote 4 in SA 😂

6 months ago

God's time is always the best.

6 months ago

JZ is not ANC, he is just a member. Leaders come and Go….Not so long he was seek before presidential pardoned. Now he is healthy and jumping….. 😂😂

6 months ago

He lacks the courage to resign and join the so called MK party. Hedging his bets.

In 2014 Jacob Zuma vowed that the ANC party will rule South Africa "forever" as the country was preparing for elections within the next few months.

"We will continue to run this government forever and ever. Whether they [detractors] like it or not," Zuma was quoted as told ANC supporters.

In 2012 Jacob Zuma said it’s cold outside the ANC. He warned ANC members who disobey the party that they will discover just how ''unkind'' life is once they have been expelled.

"Even the people who used to greet you in the streets will not recognise you once you are outside the ANC," Zuma told a gala dinner, part of the party's centenary celebrations, in Richards Bay.

In a thinly veiled reference to suspended ANC Youth League president Julius Malema and his executives, Zuma said the party had been "far too lenient" on "ill-disciplined members".

". But now enough is enough . When members stray, we should act there and then and not wait for another day," Zuma told about 5000 people at Sunday's dinner.

He said those who were dividing the ANC were working against the party. They risked being kicked out and finding out firsthand that life is unkind outside.

Malema has persistently defied Zuma and the ANC leadership since he was found guilty of sowing divisions in the party and bringing it into disrepute.

In 2008 Zuma declared that ANC would "rule until Jesus comes back".

6 months ago

The media mislead us in making us think Zuma was corrupt

6 months ago

It is good, Cyril Ramaphosa decided who must be prosecuted in South Africa controlling the judiciary! A dictator applied laws protecting his friends, his religious friends ignoring the rights of other cultures and religions in South Africa. His religious connections with terrorists organisations proved who he is representing the ANC!

6 months ago

😂South African politics are indeed a circus😂

6 months ago

It's over for Ramaphosa and he knows it

6 months ago

The African politicians in SA are destroying each other.

6 months ago

They really pulled a Libya on us with this man…
StatsSA and black peoples lived experience evidenced an upward trajectory, but the media convinced us we were under tryrannical rule😢…we too removed him, and got our lashing!!

6 months ago

Brilliant job ramafosa! Enter the political hitman.
I mean many of us knew you were sent to destroy the ANC but we never thought the real ANC members would outright invite you to do it.

6 months ago

I will follow Zuma whenever he go
Ramafosa has destroyed ANC

6 months ago

So for idiots, he keep his status as a communist but join the military faction of , called the EFF .
Nothing worse can happen to Africa.

6 months ago

Down with Ramaohosa

6 months ago

Your correspondent was not in Johannesburg as displayed in the corner of your video. There is no beach in Johannesburg.

6 months ago

Ramaphosa, Jacob said you a sell out😂😂😂😂😂😂
# Pit toilets and begged generators $😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

As a South African I regret being tricked by white people into thinking this man was corrupt now I see this man has always been a fighter through and through.

6 months ago

Well done Msholozi.