Fox Host Continues to Propagate Unfounded Biden-Obama Conspiracy Theory

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Fox Host floats ANOTHER insane Biden-Obama conspiracy theory

It seems we just can’t escape the bizarre world of conspiracy theories when it comes to some of the hosts on Fox News. Just when you thought they had reached the peak of outlandish theories, they manage to surprise us once again. This time, it’s a so-called Biden-Obama conspiracy theory that has been making the rounds on the conservative news network.

The latest theory, floated by Fox host Jesse Watters, suggests that President Joe Biden is not actually in charge of the country and that former President Barack Obama is the one pulling the strings behind the scenes. According to Watters, Obama is secretly running the show from his basement and is the mastermind behind all of Biden’s policies and decisions.

This absurd theory has been met with widespread ridicule and disbelief, with many calling it nothing more than a desperate attempt to smear the current administration. There is no evidence to support these claims, and it is deeply concerning that such baseless allegations are given airtime on a major news network.

It’s not the first time that Fox News has been criticized for promoting unfounded conspiracy theories. In fact, the network has a long history of peddling baseless claims and playing fast and loose with the truth. From promoting the debunked idea that the 2020 election was stolen to pushing the dangerous anti-vaccine rhetoric, Fox News has repeatedly faced backlash for its irresponsible reporting.

The Biden-Obama conspiracy theory is just the latest example of the dangerous misinformation that some hosts on the network are willing to spread. Not only does it further sow division and distrust in our already polarized society, but it also undermines the credibility of legitimate news outlets.

Furthermore, it’s deeply troubling that a major news network is giving a platform to these outrageous theories. It is imperative that media organizations uphold journalistic integrity and provide the public with accurate and trustworthy information. When they fail to do so, it only serves to erode public trust in the media and perpetuates a climate of suspicion and division.

The Biden-Obama conspiracy theory is a prime example of the dangers of unchecked misinformation. It is vital that we as consumers of news and information remain vigilant and critical of the sources we turn to for information. In a time when misinformation runs rampant, it’s crucial that we seek out credible sources and hold media organizations accountable for their reporting.

In conclusion, the Biden-Obama conspiracy theory is nothing more than a baseless and absurd attempt to undermine the current administration. It is a stark reminder of the dangers of misinformation and the responsibility that news organizations have in shaping public discourse. As consumers of news, we must demand honesty and integrity from the media and reject the spread of unfounded conspiracy theories.

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6 months ago

Tis woman needs to be removed from TV butt at least she is on a fake news program

6 months ago

And Republicans are being directed by ……….. guess who ! LOL

6 months ago

Bartiromo SOLD OUT!

6 months ago

This is only a way to validate tangerine gargoyles gaffs without a teleprompter. In true predictable fashion.

6 months ago

Obama the dude behind the opioid crisis and prolong the Afghanistan war is still around.. Obama did enough damage to America.. He also created the WOKE kids

6 months ago

Republican slobs. Short and sweet. Slobs. Does she remember 9/11 and Bush! Probably not.

6 months ago

🙄remember seeing Maria B. on financial news. Didn't know she belonged to the nutty gang. I'm not american, so there is so many things I don't follow about US news

6 months ago

There ought to be a T V program or Blog called " the DEBAUCHABLES " to expose and highlight the GARBAGE these phoney conspiracists are SPUING OUT !

6 months ago

Who needs a Tucker Carlson lie when you have a Bartiromo. Fox hasn’t changed it’s still a Republican ( if you can still call it Republican) propaganda platform and it’s interviewers are still fear munger promoters. Fox needs another defamation case.

6 months ago

Its as if she is pushing for something really bad, ut is not funny quite dangerous and fox has not learnt anything. This twig leaf just wants air time. And the hypocracy, loknat Donald trump so forgetful to a TEA.omg

6 months ago

Obama is the Wizard of Oz pulling the cords behind the curtain to make Biden dance. Send Dorothy and her crew to expose this phony. There really is no bottom to the depths of insanity for Republicans, is there?

6 months ago

"really questionable" is the phrase in that guy's response to lock on to

6 months ago

Faux News!!

6 months ago

All the conspiracies that the right has pushed all came true – fact

6 months ago

"Cognitive decline in 50 years. " Most people change over 50 years. That's like saying, "man, my dog's slowed down in the last 15 years."

6 months ago

Wow! I hope this guys wife calls him out when he goes home for making such blatant lies on TV.

6 months ago

Her voice is made for people whose ears don't connect to their brains.

6 months ago

Why is Maria always yelling? She's like a sloppy drunk, and when she talks, it sounds like she has marbles in her mouth.

6 months ago

Sounds to me maria is a bubble off level 😂

6 months ago

If my ER doctor says that a President who has been out of office for 7 years is actually running the presidential office, I would run out of that hospital. I can't imagine he isn't absolutely ridiculed at his hospital whenever he is out of earshot.