Freed Palestinian Child Prisoner Nufouth Hammad Reunites with Family After Release from Israeli Jail

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After spending eight months in an Israeli jail, Nufouth Hammad, a 15-year-old Palestinian girl, has finally been reunited with her family. Nufouth was arrested in January 2021 and charged with throwing stones at Israeli soldiers during a protest in the West Bank. Her case sparked outrage from human rights organizations and activists who condemned the Israeli authorities for imprisoning a child.

Nufouth’s release comes after a prolonged legal battle and pressure from international organizations. According to her lawyer, Nufouth was subjected to harsh interrogation tactics and was denied access to legal representation for several days after her arrest. She was eventually sentenced to eight months in prison, although the charges against her were based on flimsy evidence.

Upon her release, Nufouth was greeted by her emotional family and a crowd of supporters who had been advocating for her freedom. The young girl looked frail and exhausted as she walked out of the prison gates, but her spirit remained unbroken. Despite the ordeal she had endured, Nufouth’s first words to the press were a message of resilience and hope for other Palestinian children who are still imprisoned by the Israeli authorities.

Nufouth’s case is just one of many where Palestinian children have been detained and mistreated by the Israeli military. According to human rights organizations, hundreds of Palestinian children are arrested and prosecuted in Israeli military courts every year, often on dubious charges and with no access to proper legal representation. These children are often subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and many endure long periods of detention without trial.

The release of Nufouth Hammad is a small victory in the larger struggle for the rights of Palestinian children. Her case has drawn attention to the plight of many other children who remain behind bars in Israeli prisons, and it has sparked renewed calls for international pressure to end the systematic mistreatment of Palestinian minors by the Israeli authorities.

As Nufouth settles back into her life with her family, her story serves as a reminder of the resilience and courage of Palestinian children in the face of adversity. Despite the hardships they endure, these children continue to fight for their freedom and rights, and their voices will not be silenced. The reunification of Nufouth with her family is a hopeful sign that justice can prevail, and that the international community must continue to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and dignity.

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6 months ago

Is it true she has been imprisoned again?

6 months ago

I think she has been kidnapped from the hospital and taken back to the prison. There's a video on social media saying a settler complained at her release and so she's been taken back to prison. It breaks the ceasefire agreement. I'm not 100 percent sure if it's been confirmed but I think she was " re kidnapped" by the Osraeli police and taken back to prison…..

6 months ago

Hare krishna Hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram hare hare. Please read bhagwad geeta by Shrila prabhupada to know the goal of human form of life.
Chant and be happy

6 months ago

free Palestin 🇵🇸

6 months ago

She's just a child 😢

6 months ago

#freepalestine #freegaza 🙏❤️

6 months ago

May Allah protect her and accept our dead in Gaza in heaven 🤲🍉

6 months ago

What did the little terrorist do to get locked up?

6 months ago

Zionist refugee in era before WW2…
In their ship they put slogan "We are escaping from NAZI persecution.. Please Help Us"..

After they become huge number.. they persecute palestinian as well as NAZI did…

Arabian nationalism after rebellion fight from Ottoman Caliphate got big problem with "Der Judenstaat" Theodore Herzel until now….

Caliphate breakaway unfortunately and the opposite.. zionism got Land and Country….


6 months ago

Free Palestine! You are strong And amazing. May Allah bless you and bring ease for all Palestinians!

6 months ago

Love to this woman and her family. ❤ Love to us all.

6 months ago

free Palestine!

6 months ago

Where is the letter from Israeli hostage to Hamas

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

a freed Palestinian child HOSTAGE

6 months ago

How can defenseless women and children be prisoners, but not hosatges ?. even holding them under the "Prisoners"title is against basic human right.

6 months ago

12 years!!!!!

6 months ago

israel steals not only lands but also youth and years of people.

6 months ago

The western media however focuses on Israel, not the hundreds and thousands of people kidnapped without trial by Israel.