French President, Emmanuel Macron, predicts it will take a decade to dismantle Hamas

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French President Emmanuel Macron has made a bold statement regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, stating that the destruction of Hamas, the militant group controlling the Gaza Strip, will take at least 10 years. Macron made the remarks during a press conference in Paris, where he expressed his support for a ceasefire in the region and called for a negotiated settlement to the long-standing conflict.

In his statement, Macron emphasized the need for a long-term approach to addressing the root causes of the conflict and the extremist groups involved. He acknowledged the complex and entrenched nature of the Israel-Palestine issue, and warned against the dangers of a quick military solution without addressing the underlying grievances and grievances of the Palestinian people.

Macron’s comments come in the midst of a deadly escalation of violence in the region, with Israeli airstrikes targeting Hamas infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and Hamas firing rockets into Israeli territory. The conflict has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians and dozens of Israelis, and has prompted widespread international condemnation and calls for an immediate ceasefire.

The French President’s assessment of the situation reflects a pragmatic and nuanced understanding of the complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict. He is advocating for a strategic and patient approach to resolving the conflict, rather than a hasty and shortsighted military intervention that could further exacerbate the suffering and resentment of the Palestinian people.

Macron’s position on the Israel-Palestine conflict is in line with France’s longstanding support for a two-state solution, with the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. He has also called for a resumption of peace talks and a return to the negotiating table, stressing the need for dialogue and diplomacy to achieve a lasting and just resolution to the conflict.

As a key player in the European Union and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, France has a significant role to play in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East. Macron’s comments signal a commitment to engaging constructively with all parties involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and to pursuing a comprehensive and sustainable solution to the longstanding and deeply rooted issues at the heart of the conflict.

While the task of destroying Hamas and achieving a lasting peace in the region may be daunting and protracted, Macron’s call for a long-term approach underscores the need for a determined and concerted effort to address the underlying factors fueling the violence and instability in the Israel-Palestine conflict. By advocating for a strategic and patient strategy, Macron is demonstrating leadership and vision in pursuit of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

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9 months ago

WOW! Expert advice from one of the worst colonizers ever. 15 countries in Africa were under French rule, and some still are financially. The people of those countries live in abject. poverty while France rapes and plunders their resources – uranium, gold etc. Macron is a Master on how to destroy any resistance movements and brutally oppress people. Millions still suffer throughout Africa.

9 months ago

They want to kill all muslims media liars! 😓

9 months ago

What are 10 years compared to 75 years of resistance and resilience? Nothing. Its impossible

9 months ago

According to the Hamas-run health ministry, the IDF killed 15,000 people in 30 days.
If the IDF were to work at the same speed, it would kill 2 million people in 10 years.
However, 2 million people make up the entire population of the Gaza strip.
It seems Macron assumes all Palestinian Arabs, including Palestinian babies, are Hamas.
But we were told "Palestinians" are innocent.
He should corroborate his calculation.)

9 months ago

How a stupid comment

9 months ago

What a coward of a leader just a freaking puppet like they all are history will remember all these cowards for the massacres being committed in this genocide by Israel, the terrorist state, with Natanyahu who needs to be brought to the international criminal court and be held accountable, which unfortunately won't happen cause they're all cowards and puppets! If these leaders had to join these poor soldiers to their death in the front lines I'm sure they'll find a way for peace then…cowards

9 months ago

Seriously, these people are such pain .. They are always walking around otger People's lands , lives and properties as if they own it.. Like who the hell they think they are

9 months ago

Are you dreaming for greater israel while robbing n looting everything which come in your way ???

9 months ago

Any shame left ??? U mean Hamas or palestine ??? Even if u fight till dooms day u will never win bcoz u are oppressors !! Settlers!!robbers !! You are running after something which is not yours .
Learn sumthng from history!!

9 months ago

Translation, for those who don't understand: "There are two eggs before my eyes. One heads north, the other heads south. What do we mean? Sorry, what did I mean. If were smart, I would head north now. Instead of going south, which is down hills. 10 years. That is the path of the south. The north? Zero years. Now we all have a choice, but choices only matter if enough people take the same path. But most have chosen the former, but got weighed down by a few self righteous few that ruined the eggs. Armpit sweat.

9 months ago

They watch the injustice and with no shame participate on the injustice using a fake cause…
I'm a shame of being European…

9 months ago

Yet again, a media outlet does the public a great disservice by only providing a fraction of what everyone should know, or providing a view from a biased lense.

The reality:

1. The Holocaust was Ground Zero for people who indentify as Jewish. After that, nothing made sense except a Jewish state.

2. In forming that state, there were options that did not include the necessity of a takover. The path of least resistance was NOT chosen.

3. The framers and builders of the Jewish state had to know the difficulty they were getting themselves into. But they took the risk all the same, primarily because the Palestinian territory also held ancestral significance for Jews, as well.

4. So, what was the basic plan of action? It was a very old trick: Divide and conquer. If you look at the original Isreali/Palestinian map, it didn't seem to make sense. Why not just split the area into 2 regions, North and South? Because peaceful co-existence was never part of the plan. It was intended to be all or nothing at the beginning, "from the river to the sea."

5. And how has that been working out? Nobody believed it then and nobody believes it now, that the Palestinians would just walk away from centuries of occupation. A 100 year war, at least, was inevitable.

6. What nobody anticipated 75 years ago, however, was the reach this conflict would have. This never-ending fight has been transported all over. What happens in the Middle East doesn't stay in the Middle East. And it seems nearly the whole world has developed a strong opinion on the matter; everyone has chosen a side. In a way, everybody is paying a price.

And that's not good.

7. The solution is to do what should have been done a long time ago: Make Gaza and the West Bank a contiguous and seperate state, whether the hardline combatants like it or not…

I'm in my 60's and as long as I can remember, the fighting has been unceasingly broadcast into my life. My first TV images were of war: In between Romper Room and Disney was the violence and the killing. I, along with hundreds of millions of others around the world are tired of it, sick of it, fully and completely. We've all been made angry over the lack of resolution. There is no acceptable outcome now but to finally force an outcome into being and before the worst happens.

9 months ago

Macron busy talking about his Bosses, thats in itself is a War crime, nobody in the West has the Right to talk about their God, Netanyahu

9 months ago

Its the case of Israel. You have norhing to say.

9 months ago

Let’s LOOK at The Latest News Out of Israel From Various News Outlets 40 Babies Killed FALSE Pregnant Woman Slit And Fetus Hanging False Babies And Children Killed And Left Hanging on Wash Line FALSE Baby in Oven False These any Many more Claims False

9 months ago

Macron, the former Rothschild servant and still is actually in other ways, Macron a 33rd Freemason doing his part to bring about a NewWorldOrder, Macron the one who works for the true global terrorist powers = the Hidden Hand….these leaders are all part of a brotherhood seeking to achieve their One World Order Global Governance….The N..W..O is the paramount colossal international conspiracy by the Lefthand path walkers [the way of the Devil] to truly destroy and burn to ground in ashes, our God/Jesus based society, and on it's ashes, the highest levels of the spiritual children of the Devil, will build their "NewWorldOrder" [read: the rise and realisation of the Antichrist kingdom, the final empire of man before Jesus returns] which by nature will be the most dank, dark, de-man-ising, depressing, dismal, dreary, chilling cold cacotopia nightmare facinorous kingdom to have ever existed on earth. Resistance the Devil is obedience to God/Jesus, i have chosen His side, so should you.

9 months ago

Macron is a coward

9 months ago

1933-1945 the germany christian soldiers killed 6 million jews. The real terrorist

9 months ago

So be it. Hamas was a bad choice to lead the country. Next…

9 months ago

Now Macaroni, why this ish concerned you?