Front End Testing of Vue Vuex with Express Js and mongoDB Backend Server

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Vue Vuex Front End Testing Using Express Js mongoDB Backend Server

Vue Vuex Front End Testing Using Express Js mongoDB Backend Server

When building a web application with Vue.js, it’s important to test the front end to ensure that it functions as expected. In this article, we’ll discuss how to perform front end testing using Vue and Vuex, as well as how to set up a backend server using Express.js and MongoDB to support the front end.

Setting Up the Front End

To get started, you’ll need to install Vue and Vuex in your project. You can do this using the following commands:

    npm install vue
    npm install vuex

After installing the necessary packages, you can begin creating your components and setting up your Vuex store. Once your front end is set up, you can start writing tests to ensure that everything is functioning correctly.

Front End Testing with Vue Test Utils

Vue provides a testing utility library called Vue Test Utils that allows you to mount and interact with your Vue components in a testing environment. Using Vue Test Utils, you can write tests to check that your components render as expected and that they respond correctly to user interactions.

Setting Up the Back End

In order to support your front end, you’ll need to set up a back end server using Express.js and a database using MongoDB. You can install Express.js and MongoDB using the following commands:

    npm install express
    npm install mongodb

Once your back end server is set up and connected to your database, you can begin writing APIs to serve data to your front end.

Integrating the Front End and Back End

After setting up both the front end and back end, you’ll need to integrate the two in order to create a fully functioning web application. You can do this by making API requests from your front end to your back end, and using the data returned to populate your Vuex store and render your components.


Front end testing is an important part of building a web application with Vue.js, and setting up a back end server is essential for supporting your front end. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a fully functioning web application with a tested front end and a robust back end.