
Frontend application scalability for large teams

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How do large teams scale their Frontend applications?

How do large teams scale their Frontend applications?

Building and maintaining a frontend application for a large team can be challenging. As the team grows, so do the complexities and demands of the application. Scaling frontend applications for large teams requires careful planning, collaboration, and use of best practices.

Use of modular and reusable components

One of the key strategies for scaling frontend applications for large teams is to use modular and reusable components. This allows developers to break down the application into smaller, manageable parts that can be easily reused across the codebase. By doing so, teams can reduce duplication of code and ensure consistency throughout the application.

Adopting a component-based architecture

Large teams often adopt a component-based architecture to scale their frontend applications. This approach allows different teams to work on different parts of the application independently without interfering with each other’s work. By breaking the application into smaller components, teams can also improve code maintainability and increase development efficiency.

Implementing a scalable CSS architecture

As the frontend application grows, so does the complexity of styling and managing CSS. To scale their applications, large teams often implement a scalable CSS architecture such as BEM (Block Element Modifier) or CSS-in-JS. These approaches provide a clear and consistent way of managing styles across the application, making it easier for teams to collaborate on the frontend codebase.

Automating testing and code reviews

Testing and code reviews are essential for ensuring the quality and stability of frontend applications. Large teams scale their applications by implementing automated testing processes, such as unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing. Additionally, code reviews help ensure that the frontend code meets the team’s standards and best practices, and that potential issues are identified and resolved early.

Using a version control system

Version control systems, such as Git, are crucial for large teams scaling their frontend applications. These systems allow teams to collaborate on the codebase, track changes, and manage conflicts efficiently. Version control systems also make it easier to maintain a clean and organized codebase, which is essential for scaling frontend applications.


Scaling frontend applications for large teams requires careful planning, collaboration, and the use of best practices. By using modular and reusable components, adopting a component-based architecture, implementing a scalable CSS architecture, automating testing and code reviews, and using a version control system, large teams can effectively scale their frontend applications and manage the complexities of a growing codebase.

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6 months ago

A quick hands on will be excelent thanks for this is very helpfull or a course if you have one please post it. An full integration video of all this techs can be really helpfull.

6 months ago

The problem with micro frontends is that it doesnt solve the team scaling and introduces much more problems than it solves. Microservices are introduced on the backend mainly, because different systems behave differently. A frontend scales exactly for the same reasons so no need for micro frontends.

A much better way is to create packages and scale along responsibilities. For example, it makes sense to have a design system team and a package to integrate them into the main project. Same for api communication, security etc

6 months ago

would be nice to see an example with authentication session.

6 months ago

How can I, as a beginner in Frontend Development, create projects that will help me apply for a job as a junior Frontend Developer? I have been solving many challenges on Frontend Mentor, but is this enough?

6 months ago

Waiting for your microservices video!

6 months ago

I am a new UI Developer and wondered about scalability on front end teams works. This was amazing and informative! Thank you!!