
Frontend developer with technical skills solves 2 real React tests in 1 hour at Tos Con

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Frontend dev con tos resuelve 2 pruebas técnicas React reales en 1 hora

Frontend dev con tos resuelve 2 pruebas técnicas React reales en 1 hora

Frontend development is a crucial aspect of creating a successful website or application. To showcase their skills, many developers take on technical challenges to test their abilities. Recently, a frontend developer named Tos took on two real React technical challenges and successfully completed them in just 1 hour.

Prueba Técnica React #1

Tos began the first technical challenge by building a responsive website using React. The challenge required Tos to create a landing page with a navigation bar, a hero section with a CTA button, and a grid layout for displaying products. With their expertise in React, Tos quickly implemented the necessary components and styling to make the website look professional and user-friendly.

Prueba Técnica React #2

For the second technical challenge, Tos was tasked with building a todo list application using React. The challenge required Tos to create a form for adding tasks, a list of tasks with checkboxes to mark them as completed, and a button to delete tasks. With their knowledge of React state management and component lifecycle methods, Tos was able to build a fully functional todo list application in a short amount of time.

Overall, Tos’ performance in these technical challenges showcases their expertise and proficiency in frontend development, specifically in React. By successfully completing two real-world challenges in just 1 hour, Tos has proven their ability to quickly adapt to different requirements and deliver high-quality solutions.

For frontend developers looking to test and improve their skills, taking on technical challenges like the ones Tos completed can be a great way to showcase their abilities and strengthen their knowledge of React and other frontend technologies.

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2 months ago

Uf que lejos estoy de estos niveles de pala! 🤩🤩
Un saludo Goncy! 👏👏

2 months ago

Sos un tremendo crack

2 months ago

Gracias por compartir estos videos, me ayudan mucho para aprender algo nuevo 🙂

2 months ago

Tuki !

2 months ago

Goncy se puede entrar al discord ? Un saludo

2 months ago

LinkedIn si tiene modo dark
Ajustes/ Preferencia de la cuenta / Visualización

2 months ago

sos crack goncy

2 months ago

Jajaja entre solo por el título 😂😂😂 está muy bueno

2 months ago

jajaja ese Titulo, Dale Goncy

2 months ago

Re sufrido el título jsjsjjs. Dale goncy que los años son un no se qué social, fuerza!