
Frontend Masters Community Q&A July 2023: Exploring Svelte, Fullstack Frameworks, and Modern CSS

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Svelte, Fullstack Frameworks & Modern CSS: Frontend Masters Community Q&A July 2023

Svelte, Fullstack Frameworks & Modern CSS: Frontend Masters Community Q&A July 2023

On July 2023, the Frontend Masters Community gathered to discuss the latest trends in frontend development, including Svelte, fullstack frameworks, and modern CSS. The event was filled with insightful discussions and Q&A sessions, providing valuable information to developers looking to stay on top of the latest technologies.

Svelte: A Lightweight and Efficient Frontend Framework

Svelte has gained popularity for its unique approach to building web applications. Unlike traditional frontend frameworks, Svelte shifts the work of managing state and updating the DOM to the build step, resulting in highly efficient and performant code. The community discussed the benefits of using Svelte, as well as best practices for incorporating it into projects.

Fullstack Frameworks: Bridging the Gap Between Backend and Frontend

Fullstack frameworks have become essential tools for developers looking to build end-to-end applications without the hassle of integrating multiple technologies. The Q&A session delved into the different fullstack frameworks available, their pros and cons, and how they streamline the development process by providing a consistent architecture for both backend and frontend code.

Modern CSS: Enhancing User Experience with Stylish Designs

CSS continues to evolve with new features and capabilities that enable developers to create stunning and responsive designs. The community shared insights on modern CSS techniques, including grid layouts, flexbox, CSS custom properties, and the latest CSS specifications. Discussions also included best practices for optimizing CSS for performance and accessibility.


The Frontend Masters Community Q&A provided an excellent opportunity for developers to learn and engage with industry experts on the latest trends in frontend development. With sessions on Svelte, fullstack frameworks, and modern CSS, attendees left with a deeper understanding of these technologies and how they can be leveraged to build cutting-edge web applications.

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matha bhrandan
7 months ago

Dear Frontend Masters team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am a software engineer from India, and I am an admirer of the rich and insightful content that Frontend Masters provides. Your platform has been a valuable resource in my journey of upskilling and mastering JavaScript, and I am truly grateful for that.

However, I wish to bring to your attention a concern that is shared by myself and many other engineers in India. The average salary for software developers here ranges between $500 to $1000 per month. Considering this, the current subscription rate of $40 per month can be quite burdensome for a significant number of us. This, unfortunately, is a barrier that prevents many talented and enthusiastic developers from accessing and benefiting from your platform.

Therefore, I propose a restructuring of your price plan tailored specifically for our demographic. I firmly believe that a more affordable subscription model for countries like ours could open up a massive avenue of business for Frontend Masters. With thousands of engineers seeking to broaden their knowledge and skills in frontend technologies, a lower subscription cost would undoubtedly make your platform the go-to resource for us.

I understand that such a change would involve careful consideration and planning on your part. However, I assure you that this investment will be met with a significant increase in subscribers, thereby not only expanding your user base but also fostering the growth of the tech community in India.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposal. We appreciate all the hard work your team does to provide high-quality content and look forward to seeing your platform grow and become even more accessible to developers across the globe.