
Frontkom Dev Days 2021: A GatsbyJS Presentation by Benedicte Raae

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GatsbyJS | Benedicte Raae | Frontkom Dev Days 2021

GatsbyJS | Benedicte Raae | Frontkom Dev Days 2021

At Frontkom Dev Days 2021, Benedicte Raae spoke about the benefits of using GatsbyJS for web development. GatsbyJS is a modern framework that allows developers to build fast and secure websites and applications using React.

Raae emphasized the performance and speed of GatsbyJS, pointing out that it generates static files for each page, which results in faster load times and better SEO performance. She also discussed the flexibility of GatsbyJS, noting that it can be used to build a variety of websites, from simple blogs to complex e-commerce platforms.

During her presentation, Raae also highlighted the rich plugin ecosystem of GatsbyJS, which allows developers to easily add features and functionality to their websites. She shared examples of popular Gatsby plugins, such as those for image optimization, SEO, and analytics tracking.

Overall, Raae’s talk at Frontkom Dev Days 2021 underscored the numerous advantages of using GatsbyJS for web development. With its focus on performance, flexibility, and extensibility, GatsbyJS is a powerful tool for building modern websites and applications.