
Full Course AngularJS Tutorial for Beginners

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AngularJS is a popular JavaScript framework that simplifies the development of web applications. It provides a powerful set of tools and features that allow developers to build dynamic and interactive websites.

If you are new to AngularJS and want to learn how to use it, this article is for you. In this tutorial, we will cover all the basics of AngularJS and walk you through the process of creating a simple web application.

Before we begin, it is essential to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Knowledge of JavaScript will be particularly helpful as AngularJS is built on JavaScript.

To get started, you will need to have AngularJS installed on your computer. You can download it from the official AngularJS website or include it via a content delivery network (CDN). Once you have AngularJS installed, you are ready to begin.

The first step in building an AngularJS application is to create a new HTML file and include the AngularJS library. You can do this by adding the following script tag to your HTML file:



Once you have included the AngularJS library, you can start using AngularJS directives to enhance your web application. Directives are markers on DOM elements that tell AngularJS to attach specific behavior to them. They are an essential part of AngularJS and are used to create reusable components.

For example, the ng-app directive tells AngularJS that the element it is applied to should be treated as the root element of the AngularJS application. You can apply it to the `` or `` tag. Here’s an example:



Next, you can use AngularJS expressions to bind data to HTML elements. Expressions are enclosed in double curly braces {{ }} and are evaluated by AngularJS. They can be used to display data, perform calculations, and manipulate the DOM.

For example, you can bind a variable to an HTML element using expressions:


{{ message }}


In the above example, the value of the `message` variable will be displayed as the content of the `

` element.

AngularJS also provides powerful tools for handling user input and events. You can use the ng-model directive to bind an input field to a variable. When the user enters data into the field, the variable will be updated automatically.



In the above example, the value entered by the user will be stored in the `name` variable.

AngularJS also supports routing, which allows you to create single-page applications with multiple views. You can use the ngRoute module to define routes and associate them with templates and controllers.

To use the ngRoute module, you need to include the AngularJS route library by adding the following script tag:



Once you have included the route library, you can define routes in your AngularJS application:

var app = angular.module(‘myApp’, [‘ngRoute’]);
app.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when(‘/’, {
templateUrl: ‘home.html’,
controller: ‘HomeController’
.when(‘/about’, {
templateUrl: ‘about.html’,
controller: ‘AboutController’
redirectTo: ‘/’

In the above example, we define two routes: one for the home view and another for the about view. We specify the templates and controllers to be associated with each route.

This is just a brief overview of what you will learn in the full AngularJS tutorial for beginners. As you progress through the tutorial, you will delve deeper into AngularJS’s features and learn how to build a complete web application.

AngularJS is a powerful framework that can significantly enhance your web development skills. By mastering AngularJS, you will be able to create dynamic and interactive websites that provide a seamless and engaging user experience. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to learn AngularJS!

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My Lesson
11 months ago

**** TIME STAMP ******


0:00:00 Course Introduction

0:03:30 Welcome to module

0:04:36 Development environment setup what we will need

0:07:32 Development environment setup for Mac part 1

0:14:01 Development environment setup for Mac part 2

0:29:13 Development environment setup for Windows Part 1

0:34:43 Development environment setup for Windows part 2

0:49:38 Why not keep things simple

0:56:07 Part 1 Why does code get complex

1:01:32 Part 2 Why does code get complex

1:08:52 Model view viewmodel mvvm

1:17:53 Angularjs Installation and first simple app

1:27:00 Sharing data with the view through scope

1:32:59 Implementing name caculator example in Angularjs

1:42:13 Whats behind the magic custom html attributes

1:50:04 Dependency injection

1:56:43 How dependency injection works in Javascript

2:05:00 Protecting dependency injection from minification

2:15:20 Part 1 Expressions and interpolation

2:23:37 Part 2 Expressions and interpolation

2:30:45 Wrap up



2:31:43 Welcome to module 2

2:33:29 Filters

2:41:21 Part 1 Creating Custom filters

2:47:34 Part 2 Creating custom filters

2:51:28 Part 3 Creating custom filters

3:00:11 Part 1 Digest cycle

3:04:28 Part 2 Digest cycle

3:11:51 Part 3 Digest cycle

3:20:52 Digest and apply

3:31:01 Way 1 way and 1 time binding

3:42:39 ng repeat

3:54:19 Filtered ng repeat

4:05:42 Part 1 prototypal inheritance

4:10:52 Part 2 Prototypal inheritance

4:24:16 Part 3 Scope inheritance

4:31:40 Part 4 Scope inheritance

4:42:10 Part 5 Controller as syntax

4:50:50 Part 1 custom services

4:55:16 part 2 custom services

5:07:07 Part 1 Custom services with factory

5:14:25 Part 2 Custom services with factory

5:23:51 Part 1 Custom services with provider

5:29:20 Part 2 Custom services with provider

5:37:58 ng if ng show ng hide

5:45:12 Wrap up



5:47:10 Welcome to module 3

5:48:28 Part 1 Asynchronous behavior with promises and q

5:54:11 Part 2 Asynchronous behavior with promises and q

6:09:18 Part 1 Ajax with http service

6:14:35 Part 2 Ajax with http service

6:29:25 Part 1 Directive dynamic html

6:36:03 part 2 Directive dynamic html

6:49:01 Restric property

7:00:42 Part 1 Directives ioslate scope and

7:09:25 Part 2 Directives isolate scope and

7:19:23 Part 1 Using controllers inside directives

7:24:43 Part 2 using controllers inside directives

7:35:00 Part 1 Directive APIs and

7:42:30 Part 2 Directive APIs and

7:55:26 Part 1 Manipulating the Dom with link

8:00:07 Part 2 Manupulating the dom with link

8:15:02 Part 1 Using directives transcludeto wrap other elements

8:17:14 Part 2 Using directives transclude to wrap other elements

8:22:27 wrap up



8:23:49 Welcome to module 4

8:25:43 Part 1 components based architecture

8:33:34 Part 2 components based architecture

8:42:14 Part 3 components based architecture

8:52:03 Part 4 components based architecture

9:01:13 Part 1 Angularjs event system

9:10:09 Part 2 Angularjs event system

9:25:03 Part 1 Modules

9:32:25 Part 2 Modules

9:43:07 Part 1 routing

9:55:10 Part 2 routing

10:11:05 Part 1 Routing state with controller

10:13:05 Part 2 Routing state with controller

10:20:44 Part 1 Routing state with resolve

10:24:31 Part 2 Routing state with resolve

10:30:14 Part 1 Routing state with url parameters

10:33:01 Part 2 Routing state with url parameters

10:44:38 Part 1 Routing state with nested views

10:47:29 Part 2 Routing state with nested views

10:57:23 Part 1 Router state transition events

10:59:47 Part 2 Router state transition events

11:06:45 wrap up

Gal Shimoni
11 months ago

Yaakov u are the best . very informative course and also entertaining . i really loved the feed Yaakov part! 🤣

anass benomar
11 months ago

could you add php and mysql course please

Lucas Leandro
11 months ago

You save my life

Mindaugas Bernatavičius
11 months ago

Be carefull with this course. It is 7± years old but uploaded recently. Nobody is using AngularJS anymore. Learn Angular.

11 months ago

it`s good course but i would say naming chould be better every function has similar name given me hard time to learn i have to look every time on github code thanks for free tutorial and for not native english speaker terms can be hard to understand

Hoàng đi hạc
11 months ago

5:46:06 funny yaakov

fahad akhtar
11 months ago

i think your channel is more valuable than freecodecamp

11 months ago

This auto complete of 'ng-<>' is not working in Visual Studio anymore. Tried all extensions. Anyone has any pointers ?

11 months ago

Can i get your code ?

Temp Mahad
11 months ago

I guess I don't want to change because I still use Angularjs in my projects and I sell them. So, it's not about how old a thing is, as long as you can get the most out of it, use that.

Lauren Chinoda
11 months ago

Sir,, my $scope variable is not being identified in Atom controller('MyFirstController', function ($scope) { $scope.name = "Yaakov"; $scope.sayHello = function () { return "Hello Coursera!"; it's not working

Liana Giuliani
11 months ago

Great course and very expert teacher! Thank you so much.

Basu Dev Adhikari
11 months ago

I am an Angular Developer, and wanted to know how original AngularJS was… And I know how it was game changer at the time.

13Teen Motivation
11 months ago

Sir its my humble request why you deleted that digital marketing video from your channel kindly upload it again its my humble request i am in the middle of that course and i don't have money to spend on digital marketing course but you give me for free 🥺❤️please send me that video 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥺🥺🥺
I want to learn digital marketing please upload that video again mam/ sir 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Raidou Ng
11 months ago

this is the tutorial about old AngularJS , not supported by Google,right?:p just askin, i might need it 😀

Geek Moh
11 months ago

thank you for this wonderful tutorial.

Sevak Yeressian
11 months ago

where I can find the lectures folders, anyone?

11 months ago

What is the AngularJS version used in the tutorial?

11 months ago

4:31:40 Part 4 Scope inheritance. This was a bit tough to understand
2:31:43 Module 2 – Filters to manipulate data, Custom Filters, Digest Cycle
2:05:00 Lecture 10 Protecting dependency…
1:42:19 Current Progress