
Full Stack Application Tutorial: Creating a Ride Share App using Laravel and Vue

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Build A Ride Share App with Laravel and Vue | Full Stack Application Tutorial

Build A Ride Share App with Laravel and Vue


Building a ride share app can be a great learning experience for full stack developers. In this tutorial, we will use Laravel and Vue to create a ride share application from scratch, covering the backend and frontend development process. So let’s get started!


  • Laravel: Make sure you have Laravel installed on your local machine.
  • Vue: Install Vue.js using npm or yarn.
  • Database: Set up a MySQL database for storing app data.

Backend Development

We will start by setting up the Laravel backend for our ride share app. Create a new Laravel project and configure the database connection. Next, define the required routes, controllers, and models for handling user registrations, login, and managing ride requests. Implement authentication and authorization to secure the app.

Frontend Development

Now, let’s move on to the frontend development using Vue.js. Set up a new Vue project and configure it to communicate with the Laravel backend using RESTful APIs. Design and build the user interface components for registration, login, and ride request forms. Implement routing to navigate between different sections of the application.


Once the backend and frontend components are developed, we need to integrate them together. Update the Laravel API endpoints to handle the requests from the Vue frontend. Ensure that the communication between the frontend and backend is seamless and error-free.

Testing and Deployment

Before deploying the ride share app, it is important to thoroughly test the application for any bugs or issues. Write unit tests for the backend and frontend components to ensure their functionality. Perform integration testing to check the overall system behavior. Once the app is stable, deploy it to a production server and make it live for users to start sharing rides!


In this tutorial, we have learned how to build a ride share app using Laravel and Vue. We covered the entire development process step by step, from setting up the backend to deploying the app. Building full stack applications like this allows developers to gain valuable experience in both backend and frontend development. So start building your ride share app today and enhance your skills as a full stack developer!

Author: Your Name

Published Date: September 1, 2022

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Andrew Schmelyun
8 months ago

Forgot to link the source code, check it out here: https://github.com/aschmelyun/andrewber

Son Of Darvin
8 months ago

You just got yourself a subscriber

Mr. Valdez
8 months ago

This is a bad example as you've included a twilio api integration and most of the developers don't have a twilio account. a bit dumb to do a tutorial where in a lot of developers will have a blocker because of twilio integration.

Mohamed Haroun
8 months ago

credentials.phone.replace(/[( )-]/g, '') with regex

8 months ago

php 🤮

Gabriel Niño
8 months ago

You don't know how useful was this course for me. Thank u so much men!

John Smith
8 months ago

Hey doesn-t this need microservices?

Dani Szwarc
8 months ago

Hi Andrew, at 1:38:20 you say you don't want semicolons. May I ask why?

Sumlina Alam
8 months ago

Hi, your video is super helpful and detailed! I can tell you put a lot of effort into this. Is there a Laravel starter kit (Laravel Breeze, Jetstream, etc) you would recommend if I wanted to authenticate users through email instead phone number for this project? Thanks and I look forward to your upcoming content!

8 months ago

The amount of time it must've taken, considering the fact it's very well edited & explained, is insane.
Thank you for all your efforts, subscribed!

fahd shaykh
8 months ago

good work brother!

jos bexerr
8 months ago

Gracias Mister Adress emocionado con el curso

Vladislavs Pozņaks
8 months ago

Awesome video, thanks for sharing!

Nur Arifin
8 months ago

Please tutorial deploy on ubuntu, with docker, nginx and kubernetes

Amin Elhan
8 months ago

FYI. If the TripCreated in standbyview not show after you created trip, you should mention "implements ShouldBroadcast"

So the line is, "class TripCreated implements ShouldBroadcast"

Madukoma Blessed
8 months ago

Great Video Andrew! I learnt a lot from this well-packed course. Please what VSCode theme do you use? I notice the syntax highlighting is really good

Joyanta sarkar
8 months ago

– beyondcode/laravel-websockets 1.14.0 requires react/http ^1.1 -> satisfiable by react/http[v1.1.0, …, v1.9.0].

– beyondcode/laravel-websockets[1.0.0, …, 1.3.0] require php ^7.1 -> your php version (8.2.4) does not satisfy that requirement.

– beyondcode/laravel-websockets[1.4.0, …, 1.10.0] require php ^7.2 -> your php version (8.2.4) does not satisfy that requirement.

– beyondcode/laravel-websockets[1.11.0, …, 1.13.0] require guzzlehttp/psr7 ^1.5 -> found guzzlehttp/psr7[1.5.0, …, 1.9.1] but the package is fixed to 2.6.0 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the

update command.

Michael A. Momo
8 months ago

Wonderful video, thanks a lot.
A quick question, is there a reason why the car is not a separate entity? Or was it just for simplicity?

Mor Tec
8 months ago

It's good for me because I want to learn how api works

8 months ago

This is an awesome tutorial. Subscribed. Thank you for sharing.