
Full-Stack CMS #14: MeQuery & Auto LogIn with React.js/Express.js, Typescript, and Chakra UI

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Full-Stack CMS #14 MeQuery & Auto LogIn

Full-Stack CMS #14 MeQuery & Auto LogIn – React.js/Express.js + Typescript and Chakra UI

Welcome to the latest update of our Full-Stack CMS project, where we have implemented the MeQuery and Auto LogIn functionalities using React.js, Express.js, Typescript, and Chakra UI.


MeQuery is a feature that allows users to retrieve their own information from the database. With this functionality, users can easily access and update their own profiles without the need for an admin or moderator to intervene. This feature is crucial for creating a personalized user experience and ensuring data privacy and security.

Auto LogIn

Auto LogIn is a convenience feature that allows users to automatically log in to their accounts without needing to enter their credentials every time they visit the website. This feature enhances user experience by reducing friction and streamlining the login process.

Technologies Used

Our implementation of MeQuery and Auto LogIn was built using React.js for the front-end, Express.js for the back-end, Typescript for type checking, and Chakra UI for styling and component library. These technologies were chosen for their robustness, efficiency, and developer-friendly features.


With the addition of MeQuery and Auto LogIn, our Full-Stack CMS project has taken a major step towards providing a seamless and personalized user experience. These features not only enhance the functionality of our application but also contribute to the overall user satisfaction and retention. We are excited to continue improving and expanding our CMS project with the latest technologies and best practices.