Full Stack Courses: Step-by-Step Guide to Deploying Vue Project to Server

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Deploy Vue Project To Server

Deploy Vue Project To Server

So you’ve built an awesome Vue project and now you’re ready to deploy it to a server for the world to see. In this article, we’ll go through the steps to deploy your Vue project to a server so that it can be accessed by users from anywhere.

Step 1: Build the Vue Project

Before you can deploy your Vue project to a server, you need to build it. Run the following command in your terminal:

npm run build

This will create a dist folder in your project directory with all the necessary files for deployment.

Step 2: Set Up a Server

Next, you’ll need to set up a server that can host your Vue project. There are many options for this, including using a cloud service like AWS or DigitalOcean, or using a shared hosting provider. Once you have your server set up, make sure you have access to it via SSH.

Step 3: Transfer Files to the Server

Using a tool like SCP or FTP, transfer the contents of the dist folder (from step 1) to your server. Make sure the files are placed in a directory that is publicly accessible via the internet.

Step 4: Set Up a Web Server

If your server doesn’t already have a web server installed, you’ll need to set one up. Nginx and Apache are popular choices for this. Configure the web server to serve the files from the directory where you transferred the dist folder. You may also need to set up a domain and configure DNS settings to point to your server.

Step 5: Test Access

Once everything is set up, test access to your Vue project by navigating to the domain or IP address of your server in a web browser. If all went well, you should see your Vue project up and running!


Deploying a Vue project to a server may seem daunting at first, but with the right steps and tools, it can be a smooth and straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to share your Vue project with the world in no time!