Full Stack Project Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Express JS | Code With Delowar

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Project Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and express js | full stack Project | Code With Delowar

Project Using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and express js

In this project, we will be creating a full stack web application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and express js. This project will allow us to demonstrate our skills in building a fully functional web application from the ground up.

What is a full stack project?

A full stack project is a term used to describe a web application that includes both front-end and back-end components. This means that we will be responsible for creating both the user interface (UI) and the server-side logic for our web application.

What technologies will we be using?

For the front-end of our project, we will be using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create the user interface and handle user interactions. We will also be using express js, a popular web application framework for node.js, to handle the back-end logic of our project.

What will our project do?

Our project will be a simple to-do list application that allows users to create, update and delete tasks. Users will be able to interact with the application through a clean and intuitive user interface, and all of their data will be stored and managed on the server using express js.

Why choose Code With Delowar?

Code With Delowar is a leading resource for web development tutorials and projects. With a focus on practical, hands-on learning, Code With Delowar provides clear and concise tutorials that are perfect for anyone looking to expand their web development skills.

So, if you’re ready to dive into a full stack project using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and express js, then be sure to follow along with Code With Delowar for a comprehensive and insightful learning experience.

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11 months ago

awesome!but i am waiting for deshbord page.

11 months ago


11 months ago

"Boss" JS দিয়ে responsive navbar ও image slider এর ভিডিও চাই। আপনার উত্তরের অপেক্ষায় থাকবো।