Fullstack Tutorial: Building a Web Application with React Typescript, Django Rest Framework, and MySQL

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Tutorial Fullstack: React Typescript + Django Rest framework + MySQL

Tutorial Fullstack: React Typescript + Django Rest framework + MySQL

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a fullstack web application using React with Typescript on the frontend, Django Rest framework on the backend, and MySQL as the database.

Step 1: Setting up the frontend with React and Typescript

First, we will create a new React project with Typescript using the following command:

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript

Next, we will install any necessary dependencies and set up our project structure to handle API requests to the backend.

Step 2: Setting up the backend with Django Rest framework

Next, we will create a new Django project and set up the Django Rest framework to create APIs for our React frontend to consume.

We will also configure our Django project to connect to the MySQL database.

Step 3: Connecting the frontend and backend

Now that we have our frontend and backend set up, we will connect the two together by making API requests from our React components to the Django backend.

We will also handle authentication and authorization between the frontend and backend to ensure secure communication.

Step 4: Building the fullstack application

Finally, we will build out our fullstack application by adding features and functionalities to both the frontend and backend. We will test our application to ensure everything is working as expected.


By following this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to create a fullstack web application using React with Typescript, Django Rest framework, and MySQL. You will be able to create modern, scalable web applications with a robust frontend and backend infrastructure.

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8 days ago

Very nice content bro. This video covers 4 technologies . Good Job

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