
Future of Next.js: Introducing Next.js Conf 2023 on the Grand Stage

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Next.js Conf 2023 — Stage S

Are you excited about the future of web development? Looking for innovative ideas, inspiring talks, and a community of like-minded developers? Look no further! Next.js Conf 2023 is here, and Stage S is set to take the stage by storm!

What is Next.js Conf?

Next.js Conf is an annual conference organized by Vercel, the creators of Next.js, a popular React framework for building performant web applications. It brings together web developers, designers, and industry leaders to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights about the future of web development.

The conference features multiple stages, each with a diverse range of topics and speakers. Participants get the opportunity to explore the latest trends, learn from experts, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Stage S

Stage S is one of the highlight stages at Next.js Conf 2023. It focuses on advanced topics, cutting-edge techniques, and the future of web development. If you’re ready to take a deep dive into the next generation of web technologies, this is where you want to be.

The lineup of speakers on Stage S is exceptional. Renowned industry experts, thought leaders, and influential developers will share their insights, discoveries, and predictions. You’ll get to hear about the latest frameworks, the power of Jamstack, serverless architecture, and much more.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the talks you can expect on Stage S:

  • “Beyond React: Exploring the Future of UI Libraries” by Sarah Miller: Discover the evolving landscape of UI libraries and frameworks beyond React. Explore how new tools and technologies are shaping the future of UI development.
  • “Building Real-time Applications with Next.js and WebSockets” by John Collins: Learn how to build highly interactive and real-time applications using Next.js and WebSockets. Dive into the exciting world of real-time communication on the web.
  • “Optimizing Performance with Next.js Image Component” by Maria Green: In this talk, explore the powerful features of Next.js Image Component and learn how to optimize performance and enhance the visual experience of your websites.

In addition to these talks, Stage S will host several interactive workshops where you can immerse yourself in hands-on experiences and gain practical knowledge directly from the experts.

Join the Next.js Community

Next.js Conf 2023 isn’t just about the talks and workshops. It’s a unique opportunity to connect with the Next.js community and build lasting relationships with fellow developers.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to web development, the conference offers a supportive and inclusive environment. You can participate in networking events, engage in discussions, and collaborate with passionate developers from around the world.

Register now to reserve your spot at Next.js Conf 2023 and be a part of the future of web development. Stage S promises to be an unforgettable experience that will leave you inspired and equipped with valuable knowledge.

See you at Next.js Conf 2023 — Stage S!

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7 months ago

What's the extension to show how many usages for every variable?

Abel Bartolomeu
7 months ago

One of the best features I really want to see from you is the real time data fetching approach. Please guys, give us that feature

Yacine IDIR
7 months ago

Timestamps anyone? This is pure torture

7 months ago

Watched almost the entire conf. Learned a lot about RSC, routing and background jobs.

Aman Singh Bhadauria
7 months ago

Hi, can anyone give me timestamps ?

Sunil Reddy
7 months ago

app router is just shit .. full of glitches and all

7 months ago

The more i know Next the more I love Nuxt

7 months ago

I would like to see Stage J please 🙂

Mohammad Vahedi
7 months ago

داداش ریدین به وب رسما. این کسشرا چیه خدایی شیشه میزنین فیچر میدین؟

Master Ruseman
7 months ago

wow this is so inclusive, every gender is equally represented.

Lemon Kush
7 months ago

NextJS is the only way a backend dev can make sense of React.

Edgar Lindo
7 months ago

I like javascript because i am not familiar with typescript… i think the code should be in javascript as typescript is more like an add on anyway

Edgar Lindo
7 months ago

Cool beans

Will Rost
7 months ago

Who is talking right now??

Mariachiara Rizzo
7 months ago

What is the name of the VS Code theme used from the guy?

Subhranshu Choudhury
7 months ago


Paul Hammond
7 months ago

Now show us how to write tests for react server components. Seems to be overlooked right now.

Hamza Akhun
7 months ago

Once major Feature we want is to deploy the nextjs app on any server not just vercel

Rohit Singh
7 months ago

Hi there