‘Gaza Resident Bisan Says Israel has Displaced Many People’

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“It’s Bisan From Gaza, And Israel Made All These People Homeless”

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza has once again brought destruction and despair to the people living in the region. The recent bombings and airstrikes by the Israeli military have left countless families homeless, including Bisan and her family.

Bisan, a young girl from Gaza, has experienced firsthand the devastation brought upon her community. In an interview with a news outlet, she tearfully recounted how her family’s home was destroyed in an airstrike, leaving them with nothing but the clothes on their backs. “We lost everything,” she said, “Our home, our belongings, everything we held dear, all gone in an instant.”

Her story is not unique. Many families in Gaza have been forcibly displaced from their homes, their lives upended and their future uncertain. The destruction caused by the Israeli bombings has not only taken a toll on the physical infrastructure of the region but has also left countless families traumatized and in despair.

The international community has condemned the violence and called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. The United Nations has also expressed deep concern for the escalating situation, urging both parties to prioritize the protection of civilians and to respect international humanitarian law.

It’s important to remember that behind the headlines and the statistics, there are real people like Bisan who are suffering the consequences of this conflict. These are individuals with hopes, dreams, and aspirations, who have been robbed of their homes and their sense of security.

As the world watches in horror as the violence unfolds, it’s crucial to remember the human cost of war. These are not just numbers on a casualty report, but real people who have been stripped of their dignity and their basic human rights. It’s time to come together as a global community to demand an end to the violence and to work towards a lasting peace that ensures the safety and security of all people in the region.

Bisan’s plea for help is a reminder that the suffering of the people in Gaza cannot be ignored. It’s time for the international community to take meaningful action to address the root causes of the conflict and to work towards a just and lasting solution that respects the rights and dignity of all those affected.

In the meantime, as the world grapples with the complexities of the conflict, let us not forget the human faces behind the headlines. Let’s stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza, including Bisan and her family, and work towards a future where they can rebuild their lives in peace and security.

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9 months ago

MAY Allah save Palestine

9 months ago

At 1:05 the Palestinian elder is asking the question, what kind of missile could leave a 20 foot diameter crater in the ground? And the answer to that question is that the Israelis are using massive 2,000 pound bombs supplied by the Americans and dropping those kinds of bombs on Residential neighborhoods. Later i will edit this comment and provide a link to a video on You-tube, talking about how big and massive these bombs are, and how destructive they are. According to the video, the United-States rarely ever use 2,000 pound bombs anymore in Urban Combat, but smaller, i believe 100 pound bombs.

And the Israelis are dropping these massive 2,000 pound bombs, which is the biggest bombs they make, by the way the same kind of ordinance that B52 bombers drop, like in the Vietnam War for example. And B52's are infamous on the sheer amount of destruction that they cause, so yeah i need to find that video and post the link on here, it's a well edited, well put together video, on the genocide that is occurring in Gaza, with the help of the United-States, and i think everyone should see it!

9 months ago

All in the Middle East are war hungry for self destruction. That place is totally fragmented and with so much hatred. Look at Gaza, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi, Syria, Azerbaijan, Turkiye, and almost all against Israel? Where these wars will take us ?

9 months ago

لعنت خدا بر نتانیابو وحامیانش گوه بایدن مرگ بر اسرائیل

9 months ago


9 months ago

😢😢😢😢больно братья

9 months ago

Палистина гордость мая России❤❤😢

9 months ago

Thank you so much bisan we all want to free Palestine

9 months ago

On 07 of octuber many palestines civilians were celebrating the atrocities Hamas terroristes commited in Israel, and many still supporting Hamas monsters, all is happening in Gaza now is Hamas fault, i hope the palestines can to open theirs eyes and mind about Hamas and stop supporting Hamas evils

9 months ago

Put the bill on Hamas/Iran.

9 months ago

If they want peace they need to accept Israel’s right to exist and give up the “right of return” to the 1967 borders and stop engaging in terrorism and just accept their state in Gaza and the West Bank

9 months ago

Свобода палестине 😢

9 months ago

مايحدث فى فلسطين تماماً يحدث في سوريا باستبدال الشعب وسرقة الأرض وقتل الأبرياء و………………………….الخ.

9 months ago

I’m sorry for what you’re going through

9 months ago


9 months ago

Stop terrorism then you will have peace😉

9 months ago

العنه علي اليهود

9 months ago

In Gaza they wanted Hamas in power, to eat the crap they cooked

9 months ago

Love and respect to Bisan and the phenomenal people of Gaza! Your courage is not going unnoticed – we see you! Every single one of you! You are truly special.
Israel may bomb and bomb and bomb but they will never succeed in killing off the Palestinian people, because even the martyr'd live on in the hearts of the millions watching and calling for justice for the Palestinian people.
Those who live on in the hearts of others, never die!

9 months ago

it's so sad, but why ???
both sides are to blame. you can't go on like this.