Gaza Zoo animals subjected to bombing and starvation, leading to mass casualties | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

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The Gaza Strip has been a war-torn region for years, and the ongoing conflict has left many innocent victims in its wake. Among them are the animals in the destroyed Gaza Zoo, who have been bombed and starved to death.

The plight of the animals in the Gaza Zoo gained international attention after the facility was severely damaged during the conflict. The zoo was home to a variety of animals, including lions, monkeys, and birds. However, the zoo was hit by bombings, leaving the animals trapped in their cages and without proper care.

In the aftermath of the bombings, the animals in the Gaza Zoo faced a grim fate. With their enclosures destroyed and no one to care for them, many of the animals succumbed to starvation and neglect. Reports from the region have revealed heart-wrenching scenes of animals dying in their enclosures, with no one to help them.

The situation in the Gaza Zoo is a tragic example of the collateral damage of war. The animals, who were innocent bystanders in the conflict, have paid a heavy price for the violence in the region. Their suffering is a stark reminder of the devastating impact of war on all living beings.

International animal welfare organizations have been working tirelessly to provide aid to the animals in the Gaza Zoo. Efforts to evacuate and provide medical care to the surviving animals have been underway, but the situation remains dire. The animals that have managed to survive the bombings are still at risk due to the lack of resources and infrastructure in the region.

The plight of the animals in the Gaza Zoo has sparked outrage and calls for action from animal lovers around the world. Many have expressed their sadness and anger over the needless suffering of the animals and have demanded justice for them.

The situation in the Gaza Zoo serves as a stark reminder of the need to protect innocent animals in conflict zones. It is imperative that steps be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of animals in areas affected by conflict. Efforts must be made to provide aid and support to these animals, who are incapable of escaping the horrors of war on their own.

As the conflict in Gaza continues, it is essential that the international community remains vigilant in its efforts to protect the innocent victims of war, including the animals in the Gaza Zoo. Their suffering must not be forgotten, and urgent action is needed to provide them with the care and support they so desperately need.

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7 months ago


7 months ago

Sometimes allah may not accept our duas because of our sins. But allah will definitely listens to these innocent animals.

7 months ago

Humanity at it's best….

7 months ago

Israeli government is pure evil

7 months ago

That lion could’ve eaten pple at least he is in there poor animal 😢

7 months ago

“The Holy Bible” genocidal verse brought to life by Israel and the United States.

7 months ago

This is very shameful😢

7 months ago

Shame on Israel.
A woman has been granted to a paradise by giving water to a dog !
What kind of humans are the Israeli authorities?

7 months ago

Where are the aid organisations that protect animales it seems that in Gaza the most horrible things can be done with inpunity

7 months ago

The israel zionist said in news that they will massacre all people of palestine including animal.

7 months ago


7 months ago

Isreal will say that animals are antisemitic

7 months ago

No animals should be in zoos, completely barbaric and now i cant unsee this video.

7 months ago

I have more sympathy for the animals. Poor creatures😞

7 months ago

Zionists make me hate humanity!!!

7 months ago

Avoid war at all cost
That's brutality of war

7 months ago

So so heartbreaking 😢

7 months ago


7 months ago

It’s always the innocent that suffer the most 😢 This is utterly heartbreaking. Animal welfare have been pleading and begging for at least food to come in and nothing. There’s no watching this without tears…

7 months ago

They didn't even leave animals.netanyahu said he has come to hunt human animals but he hunted animals + humans