Generalizing Angular Code with Currying

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Currying is a concept in functional programming where a function that takes multiple arguments is transformed into a series of functions, each taking a single argument. This can be useful for creating more generalized code in Angular, as it allows for greater flexibility and reusability in your functions.

To demonstrate the concept of currying in Angular, let’s create a simple example involving a math operation function.

First, let’s create a basic function that takes two numbers as arguments and returns their sum:

function add(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b;

Now, let’s curry this function to make it more generalized. We can create a curried version of the add function using the following code:

function curriedAdd(a: number): (b: number) => number {
  return function (b: number) {
    return a + b;

Now, we can use the curried version of the add function like this:

const addFive = curriedAdd(5);
console.log(addFive(3)); // Output: 8

In this example, curriedAdd(5) returns a new function that takes a single argument and adds it to the original value of 5. This allows us to create a more flexible and reusable function that can be easily customized for different use cases.

Currying can also be useful when working with Angular services. For example, you can curry a service method to make it more modular and easier to work with:

export class MathService {
  add(a: number): (b: number) => number {
    return function (b: number) {
      return a + b;

Now, you can use the add method from the MathService in a more flexible way:

const mathService = new MathService();
const addTwo = mathService.add(2);
console.log(addTwo(5)); // Output: 7

By currying functions in Angular, you can create more modular and flexible code that is easier to maintain and reuse. This can be particularly useful when working with complex operations or when you need to customize a function for different use cases.

Overall, currying is a powerful concept in functional programming that can help you create more generalized and flexible code in Angular. By currying functions, you can build functions that are easier to work with, more reusable, and better suited for creating modular code in your Angular applications.

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10 days ago

Can i get your email id

10 days ago

Great job! Although i believe it is not readable, it is still good to know!

10 days ago

I've generally made a mess of teaching this topic… This is the best way I've ever seen it explained and I will likely be referring folks this video from now on.

Deborah, you have such a talent for explaining things in a digestible way. Right after I landed a dev job in a .NET shop in 2016, I found your article "Practical Uses of Lambdas" in an old CODE magazine from 2010 they had at the office and I've been following your content ever since. Your C# content really helped me thrive there. Such superb content for a long time. It's really cool to see your content do the same for the Angular community.

10 days ago

I guess this is the only video I understood the real purpose of currying… But still wouldn't write it myself 😅

10 days ago

Great stuff, Deborah, thank you very much!

10 days ago

Great video once again Deborah! One stupid question though, why do you create a new array each time in the first example instead of using push(). Arrays are passed by reference right, so that would also take away the reassignment issue?

10 days ago

So in this case, obviously because we're using Javascript, I would just use call() or bind() for creating a function with a hard first argument. Are these just native currying functions in JS, so you don't have to complicate your code syntax writing your own nested functions everywhere you need to use this?

10 days ago

In C#, it's pretty easy to define a custom Curry delegate like:
delegate Func<T2, TResult> Curry<T1, T2, TResult>(T1 arg1);
It's not common but can definitely be done.

10 days ago

Great. Awesome presenting

10 days ago

Good thing about currying – you never gonna need it, if you are not working with lambda calculations

10 days ago

Excellent!! One more tool added to the box. Thanks

10 days ago

I really enjoy your content, thanks for sharing, love your easy to understand explanations 😁

10 days ago

I wish I had this video back in 2002 to explain what curry is. I’m familiar with it from having worked in c and c++ but never quite understood it from a very dry academic perspective. I’ll have to keep an eye out in my code for when I’m passing in the same argument over and over again and try and use this technique.

10 days ago

another awesome tutorial! I tried to understand that watiching some other videos but here I finally got that! Thank you 🙂

10 days ago

great as always!

10 days ago

Thanks 🙏. Whenever I write code the only thing in my mind is to follow DRY as it leads to implement different patterns. I was thinking of learning currying practically and here your video came. Last 2 videos are for coders who want to write optimized code…Very well articulated video…thanks

10 days ago

Again a good one! Thanks for doing these vids.
I always admire that you avoid any shortcuts while explaining something.

Somehow related to the topic of the video (functions as objects): I started to add pre-configured functions (or curried functions) to my Observables. Then the template just needs to call a method that is part of the data. If it is bound to a button, if the funcition is null, the button is disabled. So – for example – a list of snacks has not only a property for the name but also for a function (without parameters) that will delete exactly that snack.

I would be interested what you think of that approach.

10 days ago

Great video Deborah!
Like it a lot.
In every video of yours, I learn something new. Same thing can be said about your Pluralsight courses.
I really appreciate it.

Thank you very much!

10 days ago

Great video, very well explained!
Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of currying personally. In Typescript it does feel like an unfavorable trade off: You WIN a small reduction of trivial boilerplate but you LOOSE a lot of clarity and readability.
Maybe I am just too untrained on the pattern, but right now I feel like I need AT LEAST 10 time as much time to comprehend a method with currying in comparison to a "normal" method.
Maybe this dwindles a bit with more experience in writing/reading curry'd methods?

10 days ago

Great explanations as usual thank you a lot

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