Generate Dad Jokes with PySimpleGUI

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In this tutorial, we will be creating a Dad Joke Generator using PySimpleGUI. PySimpleGUI is a simple-to-use and easy-to-understand GUI framework for Python that allows you to quickly create graphical user interfaces for your Python applications.

To get started, make sure you have Python installed on your computer. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website at PySimpleGUI is not included in the standard Python library, so we will need to install it using pip. Open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:

pip install PySimpleGUI

Once PySimpleGUI is installed, we can start creating our Dad Joke Generator. Below is the code for our Dad Joke Generator:

import requests
import PySimpleGUI as sg

def get_dad_joke():
    url = ""
    headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    joke = response.json()["joke"]
    return joke

layout = [
    [sg.Text("Get a Dad Joke!")],
    [sg.Text(size=(40, 1), key="-OUTPUT-")],
    [sg.Button("Generate Joke"), sg.Button("Exit")]

window = sg.Window("Dad Joke Generator", layout)

while True:
    event, values =

    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == "Exit":

    if event == "Generate Joke":
        joke = get_dad_joke()


Let’s break down the code:

  1. We start by importing the necessary libraries: requests for making HTTP requests and PySimpleGUI for creating the GUI.

  2. We define a function get_dad_joke() that sends a request to the icanhazdadjoke API and returns a random dad joke.

  3. We define the layout of our GUI using a list of elements. We have a text element for displaying the joke and two buttons – one for generating a joke and one for exiting the program.

  4. We create a window using sg.Window() with a title and the defined layout.

  5. We enter a while loop to continuously read events from the window.

  6. If the event is the window being closed or the "Exit" button being clicked, we break out of the loop and close the window.

  7. If the "Generate Joke" button is clicked, we call the get_dad_joke() function, update the text element with the returned joke, and display it on the GUI.

  8. Finally, we close the window when the program is done running.

To run the Dad Joke Generator, save the code to a Python file (e.g., and run it in your command prompt or terminal. You should see a window pop up with a button to generate a Dad joke.

That’s it! You have successfully created a Dad Joke Generator with PySimpleGUI. You can further customize the GUI layout, add more features, or even integrate it with other APIs to enhance the functionality. Enjoy generating hilarious Dad jokes with your new application!

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