German Defence Minister: Kyiv is not an ally, NATO nations’ support for Ukraine dwindles

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NATO Nation’s Ukraine Support Dwindles: ‘Kyiv Not An Ally’ Says German Defence Minister

The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia has been a long-standing issue that has divided the international community. In recent weeks, there has been a noticeable shift in the level of support that NATO nations are providing to Ukraine, with some leaders even going as far as to distance themselves from the situation entirely.

One such leader is the German Defence Minister, who has made the controversial statement that “Kyiv is not an ally” of Germany. This comment has sparked outrage and concern among those who have been advocating for stronger support for Ukraine in its struggle against Russian aggression.

This shift in attitude towards Ukraine is a troubling development, especially considering the historical and political significance of the conflict. Ukraine has long been seen as a key ally in the region, and NATO nations have previously been vocal in their support for the country’s sovereignty and independence.

So, what has led to this change in attitude? There are a few factors at play, including waning public support for military intervention in the region, concerns about escalating tensions with Russia, and a desire to prioritize other global issues.

The war in Ukraine has been ongoing for over seven years, and public opinion on the matter has shifted significantly during that time. Many people are growing weary of the ongoing conflict and are becoming increasingly hesitant to support further military intervention in the region.

Another factor that has contributed to the dwindling support for Ukraine is the fear of escalating tensions with Russia. The situation in Ukraine is a delicate one, and there is a real concern that taking a more aggressive stance towards Russia could further inflame the situation and lead to a larger conflict.

Finally, there is a growing sense among NATO nations that they need to prioritize other global issues, such as climate change and economic recovery, over the conflict in Ukraine. This shift in priorities has led some leaders to distance themselves from the situation and focus on other pressing matters.

While these concerns are understandable, it is important to remember the significance of the conflict in Ukraine and the impact it has on the region. Ukraine is fighting for its sovereignty and independence, and it is crucial that NATO nations continue to support the country in its struggle against Russian aggression.

The comments made by the German Defence Minister are troubling and are indicative of a larger shift in attitude towards Ukraine. It is imperative that NATO nations reassess their stance on the conflict and reaffirm their support for Ukraine in its struggle for independence and sovereignty. This is not just a matter of geopolitics, but a humanitarian issue that requires the international community’s steadfast support.

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9 months ago

Summer offensive spring offensive winter offensive now Ukraine is down to self defence

9 months ago

Ukraine could not score in a brothel

9 months ago

Ukraine and Germany have a common enemy Russia

9 months ago

Britain and France have defeated Russia before

9 months ago


9 months ago

Prosjak iz Ukrajine pravi zapad velikim naivcima.

9 months ago

Unfortunately, the German high command seem to think that America IS an ally. Wrong. It is your ruler.

9 months ago

We were sure OLAV and ZELENSKY are brothers and together 😮

9 months ago

Nazi ukraine is not an ally but nazi scholz is a comrade of nazi clown.old soldier.

9 months ago

The little fat clown in green , has deliberately let himself profit by bleeding a generation of his best , to provide the American warmongers with what they wanted , only problem the facts after the propaganda produce by the American warmongers. Must terrify the American kunts . Russia have totally destroyed the belief of the American pricks that they were invincible . Love to the great president on the right side of history the great Mr Putin and the Russian people from Australia , another country that is starting to hate the American kunts

9 months ago

More Russian propaganda why do you do this

9 months ago

Hmmm Ukraine has shattered over 3000 Russian AFV, took out a Russian deep water Navy port and 50 % of AA assets , saving NATO the bother….. If that aint helping NATO as in an Alliance 😮 god knows wot Germany thinking .

9 months ago


9 months ago


9 months ago

Westetn hypocrisy.

9 months ago

Well, as usual Your reporting is pretty close to the one, which the Russian TV is producing. In some countries the support to Ukraine is really dwindling, and in Hungary that support hasn't existed at all. But to tie this claim to the comment from the German defense minister is twisting reality. He really said that, but it is a true statement: Ukraine is not currently an ally of Germany, although they are on the same side in this current war in Ukraine. After this war Ukraine will almost certainly join NATO, and then Germany and Ukraine will be allies. But when You tie this sentence to Your original claim, the watcher of this video could get the impression, that Germany would decrease her military help to Ukraine in the future. And that is a totally false claim, because pretty recently Germany decided to give Ukraine 1.3 billion euros worth of military help,. Gemany also has decided to double he military help to Ukraine in 2024 from four to eight billion euros. As a pro-Ukraine person I find this development in the attitude of the German government very encouriging.

In the U.S. the Republican senatores blocked the large support package, which was targeted to help Uraine, Israel and Taiwan. That didn't happen, because those Republicans would be against this package as such. Many of them are very staunch supporter of Ukraine and Israel. But the Republicans has already a long time demanded actions from the Biden government against the leaking Southern bordr of the U.S.. That is a very important thing from the perspective of the Republican voters. The Biden administration can't get this big support package accepted in the Congress, before it will give concrete concessions to the Republicans in this border security matter. I assume, that it will do that in a few days. A long pause with the U.S. military support packages would mean a bad development on the war fronts. This kind of gift to Putin's imperialistic policy would certainoly not be according to the best interest of the U.S.. Glory to Ukraine ! Glory to the heroes !

9 months ago

Ukraine is like a drug addict..always want more..once USA gave them crack now they want more…gtfoh

9 months ago


9 months ago

Very OWN Opinion ONLY. Supports of Germs. to UKrain. It seems that The Germs. Chan. and its Def. Min. are Singing TWO (2). Different kind of Song. Which one is better, defends upon who the song is FOR. Sorry Just SAYING ONLY. GOOD LUCK. Ty……

9 months ago

Germany was always a weak supporter of Ukraine from the very beginning in the Russian invasion, like France, because they were in alliance with Russia, not Ukraine. This should not be a surprise.