German Leader Tricked by Russian Comedians, Exposes Ukraine’s Desire for Financial Gain | Vovan-Lexus

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The ultimate faux pas! German leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, has been fooled by Russian comedians Vovan and Lexus in a prank call that has left her red-faced.

The prank call, which took place on February 25th, saw the comedians posing as Ukrainian Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk. During the call, Kramp-Karrenbauer was led to believe that Ukraine was planning to make money by selling genetically modified mosquitoes to control the population of tropical diseases in Germany. The fake Prime Minister also suggested that Ukraine was planning to export alcohol made from stray dogs to Germany.

Kramp-Karrenbauer, who is also the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, fell for the prank and engaged in a lengthy conversation with the fake prime minister. The embarrassing call was released on YouTube, where it quickly went viral.

The German leader has since admitted to falling for the prank, stating that she believed she was speaking to the real Ukrainian prime minister. She has also apologized for her mistake, acknowledging that she should have been more cautious during the call.

This is not the first time that Vovan and Lexus have successfully pulled off a prank call on a high-profile figure. In the past, they have also duped the likes of US Senator John McCain and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

The incident has sparked outrage and embarrassment in Germany, with many criticizing Kramp-Karrenbauer for falling for the prank. Some have also raised concerns about the security and integrity of the German government, questioning how easily a high-ranking official could be fooled by a simple phone call.

The prank call has also raised questions about the relationship between Germany and Ukraine, with some speculating that the incident may strain diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Despite the embarrassment for Kramp-Karrenbauer and the potential fallout with Ukraine, the prank call has provided much entertainment for the public. Vovan and Lexus are well-known for their ability to trick high-profile figures, and this latest incident further solidifies their reputation as master pranksters.

In the end, this incident serves as a reminder that even the most powerful and influential figures can be susceptible to deception. It also highlights the importance of safeguarding sensitive information and being vigilant when communicating with unfamiliar sources.

While the German leader may have been fooled on this occasion, it’s safe to say that she will undoubtedly be more cautious when taking phone calls in the future. As for Vovan and Lexus, their reputation as pranksters extraordinaire remains intact.

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6 months ago

So funny! Russian comedians pretending to be a Ukrainian comedian.

6 months ago

Zar je moguće da prosjak osiromaši zapad. 😅😅😅😅😅

6 months ago

Even comedians from Russia can fool all these Western leaders ..this only shows how incompetent and naïve these leaders were…

6 months ago

President of Ukraine he didn't thought first be war he didn't decide before the lives of the owner people is loose is it because of economy or of western effluent first he forgot that his Nation will suffering the country will be destroyed because of USA also NATO promise to him a packages of omount of USA Dollars wow but as well he is richer now but this is red blood economy God will not bless you with your economy because you sacrifice your people to evil also yourself when you are eating or drinking a Cup of water be surely that you did the things which are not fair your owner people will be hates you for being refuge's their brothers died for your self enrichment.the negotiations was at atleast at two places just find the Solutions do you think God Will help the foolish man,let us pray for peace in the whole world Amen!

6 months ago

The first leader of Germany is a highly intelligent person, but the second leader is also very smart. 😉

6 months ago

Why would be the german be fooled by the strong russian accent? African accents are very distinctive.

6 months ago

How can someone with this heavy Russian accent fake as an African leader? I cannot believe any sane person would believe this. The guy says "ze" for "the" and it's the ultimate shibboleth for detecting a Russian.

6 months ago

cmon this was obvius Russian accent, how dumb u must be not to recognise that this aint some african politician !

6 months ago

I don't believe these calls are genuine, they sound so Russian, no way they could pass as Africans. These pranksters are fooling us…..

6 months ago

what a shame to have Robert f*cking Habeck as our vice minister…

6 months ago

Despite warning all government officials, they fell for the two comedians. Good to know that it's not just Americans who are cognitively very modest.

6 months ago

I do not believe for a second that a German politician was pranked by an “African politician” with the thickest Russian accent I’ve ever heard

6 months ago

It is over for the comedian 😂😂😂

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

Scholz, Habeck, Annalena.
Foreign anti German agents destroying Germany.

6 months ago

They are amazing..

6 months ago

They need to call some Israelis!

6 months ago

I like the guys.

6 months ago

The fact that the vice chancellor can’t tell the difference between an African and a Russian accent is telling enough of the standards western leaders operate on. Robert and Meloni deserved to get punk’d. Good work to both Russians.