
Get acquainted with the new built-in test runner in Node.js

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Learn About Node.js New Built-in Test Runner

Node.js has recently introduced a new built-in test runner that allows developers to run and manage their tests more effectively. This new test runner is a part of the Node.js framework and provides a simple and efficient way to write and run tests for your Node.js applications.

The new built-in test runner is designed to be easy to use and powerful enough to handle all of your testing needs. It allows you to write tests using popular testing frameworks such as Mocha and Jasmine, and provides a simple command line interface to run your tests and view the results.

One of the key features of the new test runner is its support for asynchronous testing. This means that you can easily write tests that involve asynchronous operations, such as testing APIs or database queries, without having to deal with complex and error-prone asynchronous code.

Another important feature of the new test runner is its support for code coverage analysis. This allows you to easily see how much of your code is being covered by your tests, and identify any areas that need more testing. This can be a valuable tool for ensuring the quality and reliability of your Node.js applications.

To use the new built-in test runner, all you need to do is install the latest version of Node.js and run your tests using the node test command. You can also customize the test runner to suit your specific testing needs, such as by configuring different test environments or running tests in parallel.

Overall, the new built-in test runner for Node.js is a valuable tool for developers who want to write and run tests for their applications with ease and flexibility. Whether you are writing simple unit tests or complex integration tests, the new test runner has everything you need to ensure the quality and reliability of your Node.js applications.

So, if you haven’t already, be sure to check out the new built-in test runner for Node.js and see how it can improve the way you write and run tests for your applications.

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Tal Kohavy
7 months ago

Asking what is TypeScript in 2023 😭

7 months ago

Did you check `only` with nested `describe` and `it` functions? Did you test your `–test` with nested folders, for example `/src/app/user/test/service.test.ts`?

Bilal Arain
7 months ago

waow very nice explanation