
Getting Started with Angular: An Overview

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Introduction to Angular

Introduction to Angular

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google. It is used for building dynamic single-page applications
(SPAs). Angular allows developers to easily handle complex web development tasks and provides a set of tools and
libraries for building efficient and maintainable web applications.

Why use Angular?

There are several benefits to using Angular for web development:

  • Easy to learn: Angular provides a well-documented and intuitive syntax, making it easy for developers to
    learn and understand. It also offers extensive online resources and active community support.
  • Modular architecture: Angular follows a component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable
    and highly maintainable code. This promotes code organization and project scalability.
  • Enhanced productivity: Angular includes features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and
    reusable components, which help developers write less code and increase productivity.
  • Large community: With a large and active community, Angular benefits from continuous improvement, updates,
    and the availability of extensive libraries and packages.

Key Features of Angular

  1. Two-way data binding: Angular enables automatic synchronization of data between the model and the view,
    eliminating the need for manual updates.
  2. Dependency injection: Angular’s dependency injection system allows components to be loosely coupled and
    promotes code reusability.
  3. Directives: Directives in Angular extend the functionality of HTML tags, enabling developers to create
    custom and reusable HTML elements.
  4. Routing: Angular provides a powerful routing module that allows developers to create different views and
    handle navigation between them.
  5. Testing: Angular has built-in support for testing, making it easier for developers to write unit tests
    for their applications.

Getting Started with Angular

To start using Angular, you need to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Follow the steps below to
get started:

  1. Install Node.js (if not already installed), as Angular requires it for development.
  2. Install Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) globally using npm (Node Package Manager).
  3. Create a new Angular project using the Angular CLI.
  4. Start the development server and open the project in your web browser.
  5. Begin building your Angular application using components, templates, services, and other Angular features.


Angular is a powerful framework for building modern web applications. With its extensive features, ease of use, and active
community, Angular has become a popular choice among developers. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer,
learning Angular can enhance your web development skills and help you create efficient and scalable web applications.

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Gordon Sulc
7 months ago

Yikes. "Housing insecurity." Just gonna throw in radical leftist jargon to help spread their conspiracy theories.

Eran Dromy
7 months ago

Mark Thompson, you are wonderful!
Awesome video – thank you.

7 months ago

Please update the angular version in git repository

BOYA Jayanthi
7 months ago

Can I get the GIT Link for this code, for better understanding?

7 months ago

This video the one🙌🏾🔥🔥😤

Abdul Latif
7 months ago

Great tutorial, informative and easy.

Lei Li
7 months ago

recall where these symbols appeared to check whether you have mastered the content of this video: # () {{}} [] $ *

7 months ago

What the fairhouse is?

7 months ago

Excellent introduction! The teacher did a great job moving at a steady pace that felt just right. It's not easy to pack this much info under an hour in an understandable way. Will definitely share this with the newcomers to Angular that I know. 🙂

Thanks for creating this video!

Piyush Aggarwal
7 months ago


7 months ago

Thank you so much for this great introduction to Angular. Love explanations. Good Job !

7 months ago

this tutorial is amazing!!

Christopher O'Brien
7 months ago

thank you for a great tutorial. you hit essential elements that will help me keep going.

7 months ago

Just starting and as an old objective c coder, I rather like the Angular MVC model rather than how React works .

josep alacid
7 months ago

It's a shame I can't read the code on my phone screen. And so much blank space waisted!

josep alacid
7 months ago

Finally not a gaming+angular video.
Maybe this time, some other channels will understand that those game-streaming angular videos are not what a enterprise level development tool needs.

7 months ago

Thank you for this awesome tutorial! One little problem which I have had to solve by myself, was how to clear the detailed location when user wanted to search for another location. I've created another event for that and passed it up to the parent component. A bit of struggling did me good! 🙂 Also, my app is different to yours as I wanted an extra challenge while following your tutorial. 🙂 Thanks again

Digital Nomad
7 months ago

im learning slowly but surely

7 months ago

The tutorial is very good but the VSCode theme is hurting my eyes

Mt. Mayon
7 months ago

Thank you for this tutorial!